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  • Golden Illusion

    GE 'Golden' rice is a genetically engineered (GE, also called genetically modified, GM) rice variety developed by the biotech industry to produce pro-vitamin A (beta-carotene). Proponents portray GE 'Golden' rice as a technical, quick-fix solution to Vitamin A deficiency (VAD), a health problem in many developing countries.

    Greenpeace International 1 min read
  • Deep Seabed Mining

    The deep sea is a place of myth and mystery, filled with weird and wonderful life forms, and vital to the survival of our planet. But now, this mostly unknown world is facing large-scale industrial exploitation – as mining of the deep seabed for minerals fast becomes reality.

    Greenpeace International 1 min read
  • Annual Report 2012 cover

    Annual report 2012

    With the environmental crisis deepening and climate change impacts being felt across the globe, our work in 2012 proved increasingly more challenging and demanding.

    Greenpeace International 1 min read
  • Oceans in the Balance

    Every second breath we take comes from the ocean. Billions of people rely on our oceans for their food and for employment. In return, we are plundering the oceans of fish, choking them with pollution and altering them forever with the impacts of human-induced climate change.

    Greenpeace International 2 min read
  • The need for a High Seas Biodiversity Agreement

    The Need for a High Seas Biodiversity Agreement

    The current way of managing the high seas puts short-term corporate interests before the long-term health of our oceans. Unless action is taken to restore and protect the health of our oceans, they will be unable to sustain life on Earth.

    Greenpeace International 1 min read
  • Cool IT Leaderboard

    Cool IT Leaderboard

    The Cool IT Leaderboard evaluates global IT companies on their leadership in the fight to stop climate change. The IT sector possesses the innovative spirit, technological know-how, and political influence to bring about a rapid clean energy revolution.

    Greenpeace International 1 min read
  • Toxic Threads: Polluting Paradise

    Toxic Threads: Polluting Paradise

    Greenpeace International has commissioned a new investigation that delves even further into the hazardous chemicals used in the production of high street fashion, going beyond previous investigations in China and Mexico. This latest report builds on the Detox campaign’s work, which reveals how textile manufacturing is a major contributor to water pollution in the Global…

    Greenpeace International 2 min read
  • Bees In Decline © Greenpeace / Pieter Boer

    Bees in Decline

    Honeybees and wild pollinators play a crucial role in agriculture and food production. However, the current chemical-intensive agriculture model is threatening both, and thereby putting food supply at risk.

    Greenpeace International 1 min read
  • Ecological Livestock

    Ecological Livestock

    Human pressure on the planet is reaching a scale that could compromise the stability of the Earth's systems. A group of influential scientists have recently identified nine planetary boundaries related to Earth-system processes and their associated thresholds, which – if crossed – could destabilise our living environment.

    Greenpeace International 1 min read
  • Toxic Threads: Under Wraps

    Toxic Threads: Under Wraps

    Water is considered sacred in Mexican culture, yet it is under threat from many environmental pressures, including pollution to such an extent that people suffer from water scarcity. More than 70% of freshwater resources in Mexico are affected by pollution from all sources, and concerns about health effects from water pollution have led to conflicts…

    Greenpeace International 1 min read