Throughout 2008, Greenpeace worked not only to highlight the threats of climate change, but also on showcasing the opportunities and solutions that tackling climate change can bring.

Greenpeace’s Energy [R]evolution shows how to replace fossil fuels quickly and completely. We developed it in partnership with the German Space Agency and universities around the world. It supports current projections of both population and economic growth. It uses existing technologies and rejects unproven carbon capture and storage technologies and dangerous nuclear power.

Our ‘Forests for Climate’ plan describes how deforestation can be halted by 2015 for priority areas such as the Amazon, the Congo and the paradise forests of Indonesia and Papua New Guinea, and by 2020 globally. It shows how to halt deforestation by investing money raised on carbon markets into forest protection, and by implementing it on a global scale how to avoid the risk that deforestation is simply displaced.

Our ‘Cool Farming’ report describes how sustainable agriculture systems can feed the world while reducing climate changing emissions from fertilisers and livestock. Our call for a global network of large, fully-protected marine reserves covering 40% of our oceans will not only restore the health of fish stocks and protect ocean life from habitat destruction and collapse, but also make our oceans more resilient to the ravages of climate change.

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