With the environmental crisis deepening and climate change impacts being felt across the globe, our work in 2012 proved increasingly more challenging and demanding. However, we completed remarkable work, executed groundbreaking campaigns, and secured environmental victories all over the world.

We launched our “Save the Arctic” campaign, a bold people-powered initiative to draw a line in the ice and say to those who would scour the ends of the Earth for the last drop of oil: “You go no further!”

We continued our work to achieve zero deforestation by 2020 and to protect the forests globally. On land and at sea, we uncovered scandals within the fishing industry. We showed how, behind the beautiful advertising and the catwalk glamour of the fashion world, there is an industry contributing to the toxic pollution destroying our waterways. And we continued to highlight the need to invest in clean energy to address climate change, exposing the impacts of coal mining and coal burning.

Greenpeace has a growing supporter base of some 24 million; those who work for us, volunteer, donate, follow, like, and take online action. They share our work, and we share theirs, challenging the most fundamental threat to our future: Apathy. Together, we are part of a growing global movement, more connected than ever before, and one that understands the links between green and peace, and between equity and ecology.

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