Oslo Fjord Activists from Greenpeace Nordic in kayaks and boats are blocking the oil tanker Ust Luga, preventing it from offloading thousands of tonnes of Russian oil into the port. The peaceful action takes place in the Oslo Fjord, in the Slagentangen oil port owned by Esso, a Norwegian subsidiary of US-based ExxonMobil. The activists are calling on the Norwegian government to ban the import of Russian fossil fuels and demanding that Esso cancel its contracts to buy fossil fuel from Russia in this time of war. 

Activists in a boat have chained themselves to the anchor chain to prevent the Ust Luga from going to pier and offloading. Activists in kayaks display banners that read “Oil fuels war”, “Stop fuelling the war” and “No war”.

Activist and Head of Greenpeace Norway Frode Pleym, said:

“Oil is not only at the root of the climate crisis, but also of wars and conflicts. I am shocked that Norway operates as a free port for Russian oil, which we know finances Putin’s warfare. During these two months of Russia’s war of aggression, we have seen horrific images and know the unimaginable suffering of the innocent civilian population of Ukraine. The fact that our government still allows the import of Russian fossil fuels in the current situation is unfathomable.”

The Ust Luga is loaded with 95,000 tonnes of jet kerosene with a market value of US $116 million. The tanker is operated by Novatek, Russia’s second-largest natural gas producer. Novatek’s largest shareholder is the oligarch Leonid Mikhelson, who has close ties to Vladimir Putin. One third of Russia’s export income is derived from oil, and Europe buys almost three-fourths of that oil. 

“The Ukrainian president has called on Europe to halt Russian fossil fuels. And with good reason. Putin’s sources of revenue must be dried out immediately and banning oil import is a very good place to start. We need to make this war stop,” said Pleym.

Greenpeace Norway has sent strong-worded letters to both Esso and the Norwegian government, demanding an end to all Russian oil and gas.

Greenpeace’s goal is to ensure the ability of the earth to nurture life in all its diversity. We use peaceful protest and creative confrontation to expose global environmental problems and promote solutions that are essential for a green and peaceful future.


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Contact on the location

Oda Grønbekk, Communications Officer, Greenpeace Norway: [email protected], +47 92421215