Svalbard – 18-year-old ornithologist and nature, climate and equal rights campaigner, Mya-Rose Craig, also known as “birdgirl”, is at the Arctic ice edge, North of Svalbard, 82.2° North, protesting in the world’s most northerly climate strike. She stood on an ice floe holding the message “Youth Strike for Climate”.

“I’m here because I want to see for myself what’s at stake as this crucial protector of the planet, the Arctic Ocean, melts away at a terrifying rate. Today, myself and Fridays For Future activists from all over the world are standing up to call for urgent action against climate breakdown. I’m here to demand that our leaders come together and create ocean sanctuaries to protect this essential but fragile place and at least 30% of our oceans. There is still time to turn things around towards more sustainable energies and lifestyles, and that moment must be now,” said Craig. [1]

Healthy oceans keep carbon safely stored out of the atmosphere, helping to reduce the impacts of the climate crisis.[2]  By protecting at least 30% of the oceans with a network of sanctuaries, marine ecosystems can build resilience to better withstand rapid climatic changes. Scientists have identified the Arctic as one of the priority areas needing protection as part of a global network of ocean sanctuaries because of it’s vital importance to climate stability.[3]

Mya-Rose is on the Arctic ice edge with the Greenpeace ship Arctic Sunrise as part of an expedition documenting the impact of the climate crisis and investigating marine life in the region. The tour coincides with the United Nations Summit on Biodiversity where marine protection should be front and centre to any discussions about protecting biodiversity.

Mya-Rose Craig is one of millions of youth activists and climate strikers across the world who are demanding action and accountability from our leaders in tackling the commodification of nature for profit. They are collectively owning their future by forcing real action to protect biodiversity and the climate.


Photos available here






Julia Zanolli, Global Media Lead for the Protect the Oceans campaign, Greenpeace UK: [email protected], +44 (0)7971 769107

Greenpeace International Press Desk: [email protected], +31 (0) 20 718 2470 (available 24 hours)

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