Amsterdam – Activists in 11 cities around the world are demonstrating in front of Brazilian embassies to support the demands of Indigenous communities from Brazil.[1] The activists held portraits of Indigenous Peoples and messages of support.[2] Their banners read, “No forests – no life. Stand with the guardians of the Amazon”. The embassy protests come at the same time as the Acampamento Terra Livre, an annual Indigenous national mobilisation in Brazil.

Sônia Guajajara, executive-coordinator from Alliance of Indigenous Peoples in Brazil (APIB) said, “It is with emotion and joy that the Alliance of Indigenous Peoples in Brazil (APIB) receives the international solidarity from people around the globe. We face increased hate and all forms of discrimination that underpin the escalation of violence against our territories and our leaders. With the strength of those who believe in justice, we will continue to fight and resist whoever disrespects our rights.”

André Karipuna, Indigenous leader of the Karipuna people said, “Indigenous Peoples should be respected and supported here in Brazil. Especially by the Brazilian state, and by the current government, which does not value our existence and does not acknowledge the fact that we protect our territories and our forests. But that’s not happening. Therefore, it is very important for us to receive support from people and organizations from outside Brazil. This also strengthens our own struggle”.

Tica Minami, Amazon Campaign Coordinator at Greenpeace Brazil said, “The future of our fight against climate change might be decided in the Amazon rainforest. We cannot risk losing this natural climate solution. Indigenous People are protecting the forest against destruction, but are facing a powerful and ruthless logging and agriculture industry and are left alone in this struggle. The world community must not stay silent while those who protect the forest are silenced and threatened by invaders.”

Since Jair Bolsonaro took office on 1st January this year, invasions on protected Indigenous lands have dramatically increased in many regions, exposing communities to increased violence and threats. Greenpeace is calling on the Brazilian government to fulfil its constitutional duties to protect Indigenous Peoples land rights, forests and their communities.[3]



[1] The solidarity activities were supported by Greenpeace offices and took place in The Hague (The Netherlands), Berlin (Germany), Vienna (Austria), Brussels (Belgium), Stockholm (Sweden), (Oslo) Norway, Buenos Aires (Argentina), Santiago (Chile), with Rome (Italy), Tel Aviv (Israel), Washington, DC (United States of America) already on 18th of April and in 25 cities in Brazil, including São Paulo and Manaus. Besides Greenpeace, other organisations out of the fields of human rights supported the cause, as part of the All eyes on the Amazon project.

[2] Portraits were taken at an assembly of Indigenous People in Rondônia/Brazil in April 2019 by Fernanda Ligabue/Greenpeace.

[3] Article 231 of the Brazilian Constitution, regulating the obligation for the demarcation and protection of Indigenous Lands.

Photos and videos of the solidarity activities can be found here.

Media Contacts

Christine Gebeneter, International Communications lead for the All eyes on the Amazon project at Greenpeace Netherlands: +31 6 39010982, [email protected]

Camila Rossi, International Communications Officer at Greenpeace Brazil: +55 11 97252-6867 or +55 11 98152-8476, [email protected]

Greenpeace International Press Desk: +31 (0)20 718 2470 (available 24 hours), [email protected]