Amsterdam, Netherlands – The UNEP Emissions Gap Report 2018 has revealed that nations must raise their climate ambitions by 3 times to meet the 2°C target and 5 times to meet 1.5°C target. In response, Greenpeace International Executive Director Jennifer Morgan said:

“The window of opportunity for action is starting to close and if we fail to act now, the opportunity will be gone. Failure to act will lock in catastrophic global warming that will change the planet irrevocably and condemn millions to suffering. Is that what awaits us? This is the biggest threat humanity has faced and the urgency of action required is shocking.

“What are governments waiting for? Non-state actors are already taking action. Corporate leadership on renewable power is swiftly emerging. An increasing number of cities are imposing bans on oil-fuelled vehicles and regional governments are committing to the phase out of coal power. Investors and banks are also increasingly turning their backs on fossil fuels. This is the future, this is the hope of our generation.

“The IPCC report gave us a rescue plan and our political leaders must stop hesitating. That starts at COP24, where they must commit to ramping up climate action in line with 1.5°C by 2020 and take clear and immediate steps to make good on those commitments. Regional governments, cities and companies are putting a stake in the ground and saying enough is enough. Governments, it’s your turn.”



Greenpeace International Press Desk, [email protected], phone: +31 (0) 20 718 2470 (available 24 hours)