Cut Methane Gas Now

Superheaters Big Meat and Dairy campaign banner

Most of us have recently experienced some form of climate disaster. From forest fires to flooding, to big storms and extreme heat waves, the climate impacts are being felt in communities around the world.

But there’s hope. We have the chance to significantly slow down global heating by reducing methane emissions caused by mass industrial farming. The impact we can have is huge: methane has 80 times the warming power of carbon dioxide (CO2) over a 20 year period. 

But big Meat and Dairy corporations are currently standing in the way.¹

You can help stop them. Political leaders have the power to pull the climate emergency brake to stop big Meat and Dairy corporations from heating up the planet. Demand change and ask them to regulate these companies’ emissions, by stopping their unrestrained growth of factory farms.

This is the first step towards phasing out Big Meat & Dairy’s destruction of our waters, land, climate and our future. Together we can build a green and fair food system, where farmers are supported to bring healthy food to our plates.²

If you want to know more:
¹ Poop, burps and farts: methane, the invisible gas that cooks our climate
² Ecological Farming in 7 Principles

The Problem

Big Meat & Dairy corporations are responsible for land use change, deforestation, and water pollution.

And they’re heating up the planet. This industry is driving us towards climate catastrophe at light speed to keep their profits growing. Livestock is the single largest source of methane from human activity, one of the most powerful greenhouse gasses, responsible for around one third of current global heating.

Major Meat and Dairy corporations are making false promises and offering false solutions³ to secure their own interests, perpetuating a broken system.

³ Fight Back Against Greenwashing Tactics. Lifting the Curtain on Greenwashing Tactics Used by Big Livestock.

Dairy Factory Farm in Caparroso, Spain. © Tania Garnica / Greenpeace

The Solution

Ecological Farming in İstanbul

But there is hope! It is possible to slow down global heating within our lifetime, if we limit meat and dairy production. If we stop producing more methane now, we can prevent the worst climate catastrophes by slowing down climate change.

Though methane is 80 times stronger than CO2 and heats the planet faster, it also disappears from the atmosphere relatively quickly, in little more than a decade, if we stop adding on emissions.

Our governments can and must set rules in place to regulate Big Meat and Dairy corporations. It’s time to hold them accountable and transition to a just food system that’s far better for people, the animals and the planet.