Ban all new fossil fuel projects for a safe future!

To the European Union and its member states:

The climate crisis is here, and people are already suffering the consequences. Drilling and mining more gas, oil, and coal, and building more infrastructure, is an existential threat to our society and the nature that sustains it.

Fossil fuels put everyone’s safety at risk. In the European Union, the expansion of fossil gas infrastructure is a particular danger. Drilling for more gas and building new infrastructure will lock Europe into a toxic dependency and waste money on useless projects when we need to invest in real solutions. Europe’s over-reliance on fossil gas leads to rising energy bills, sickness, deaths, destruction of nature, and climate chaos. Fossil gas is a dirty, deadly fossil fuel like oil and coal. This is why the European Union and its member states must act now and  #StopFossilGas and all other fossil fuel projects before it’s too late.

We demand that you take these immediate steps to safeguard our collective future:

  • Ban all new fossil fuel projects across the European Union, as they are incompatible with limiting global heating to 1.5°C.
  • Stop all public investments in fossil fuel projects.
  • Completely phase out fossil fuels in a fair way, including a plan for a phase-out of gas by 2035 at the latest.

It’s your duty to treat the climate and ecological emergency like the existential crisis it is. Our lives depend on it.

With power and unity,

Protest March against Gas Industry in Vienna. © Rafael Bittermann / Greenpeace
Greenpeace activists at a protest march on March, 27th 2024 against the Gas Industry in Vienna. Greenpeace is protesting against the fossil fuel industry’s plans to “future-proof gas” in the face of climate disaster. Greenpeace is calling for fossil fuel companies to stop their climate-wrecking activities and be held accountable for their crimes. © Rafael Bittermann / Greenpeace