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  • Witness 1.19

    KUSUM is now a reality. The central government has heard our voices and has finally released allocated funds not just for KUSUM but also for Solar Rooftops.

    Mak Alam
  • Witness 4.18

    Bihar Yatra which has been a success for us, as our activists along with Greenpeace India farmers collective commenced on a 10-day march covering a distance of 1500 kms.

    Mak Alam
  • Witness 3.18

    After a sustained effort to push the solar rooftop campaigns, Greenpeace India is now working to make KUSUM a reality.

    Mak Alam
  • Witness 2.18

    While the world is struggling to tackle the problem of plastic India became the global host of World Environment Day with the theme of #BeatPlasticPollution.

  • Witness 1.18

    One year down the line, the air quality hasn’t improved much, despite efforts like ban on firecrackers, implementation of odd-even car policy and more. Meanwhile Greenpeace came out with Airpocalypse…

    Grace Saji
  • Witness 3.17 Vol. 60

    GB Shaw once said, “There is no sincerer love than the love of food,” and indeed he was true. Our actions and intentions are governed by this basic instinct of…

  • Witness 2.17 Vol. 59

    India has an ambitious plan to generate 100 GW solar and 75 GW wind energy by 2022, in line with its national commitments to the Paris Agreement. Achieving these targets…

  • Witness 1.17 Vol. 58

    There has been an alarming rise of air pollutants in the atmosphere, and India is among the top countries in that list. Despite calls for action and emphasis on renewable energy -pollution levels…

  • Witness 4.16 Vol. 57

    Cheers to a new year and our continuing joint commitment to keep the  planet healthy and thriving. Our work to keep our food, air, water, rivers, oceans and forests safe,…

  • Witness 3.16 Vol. 56

    It’s been two years that the farmers in Kedia have embraced the eco-farming model and practising completely natural methods of pest control. Today, 100% of Kedia farmers have switched to…
