Renewable energy is the only way to meet the requirement of electricity deficit said Chief Minister of Bihar Nitish Kumar. He said this during a business meeting, where he expressed his views about renewable power generation through maximum use of biomass, husk power and solar plates. He also instructed officials to study the possibility of renewable energy sources to solve the states energy deficit.

The CM’s statement came after Greenpeace India released its report titled Smart Energy Access, in  Bihar. The report ranks Bihar as an “electricity-starved” state, and suggests micro-grids as a solution to meet this electricity deficit. The report was released by Mr Brijendra Prasad Yadav, Energy Minister Bihar, in Patna, during the business conference, ‘Energy Revolution Bihar- the renewable Energy Way’,  organised by Greenpeace India. The report emphasises on enormous prospects of the use of renewable energy at state level so that it can become a ‘power surplus state’.

Speaking at the conclave, Samit Aich, Executive Director, Greenpeace India, said that the state can create micro-grid networks that function in clusters, completely powered by renewable energy at a local level. Greenpeace has been campaigning against the common perception which supports a centralised system despite its failure to provide energy to all.

“Decentralised renewable energy, (DRE) has a “bottom-up approach” with micro-grids that can bring the state out of darkness by ensuring electricity to all,” said Manish Ram, Analyst Renewable Energy and co-author of the report. He also said that micro-grid can offer smart, reliable and cost-competitive electricity service by reducing transmission targets since it is generating power very close to where demand is.

Ramapati Kumar, Head-Renewable Energy, Greenpeace India appealed for a strong policy based on state-wide network of decentralised energy plants, with the support from state government and private entrepreneurs. He advocated for a large scale development of renewable energy.

The conclave got a significant response with its innovative approach to DRE, aiming to ensure energy to all. It got the attention of policy-makers, industry leaders and energy experts from across the country. They reviewed the innovative approach of RE at local level and suggested other ways to eradicate electricity deficit in the state. They also agreed to decide on an agenda to invite potential investors in renewable energy sector.

-Mridulika Jha

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