Anxiety, anguish, helplessness and confusion have become the dominant feelings of late. The raging pandemic and suffering are unprecedented in living memory. Family, colleagues and friends check on each other’s wellbeing tentatively and in fear like never before. The relief when you hear that people are well, recovering or their cases are mild, is palpable. 

I am acutely aware of the privileges I enjoy, having family and friends that care, to have two square meals and more, access to information, luxury to watch a  movie or read a book or two if one felt so. This is the story of many of us reading this note but we are the privileged minority in this country, at the same time unsure of tomorrow.

How does one reconcile with the news of a stranger’s death, for whom you were trying to arrange for an ICU bed? What does one say to a friend who recently lost his father ? 

The second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic has shattered us  yet got us all together in an incredible way. We feel the pain of our fellow being like never before. We are motivated to help anyone we possibly can like never before. We are isolated, in despair and yet stronger together in compassion like never before. 

The care for Planet Earth brought us together in Greenpeace. Together we did our bit for the forests, rivers, oceans, air, soil, food, wildlife and our people, especially the vulnerable. Today humans are at the receiving end and while that may be the case it also provides us with the perspective of the damage caused to the ecology and the destruction of many species because of our activity. It reminds us that we are part of a larger system of planet earth and not the one owning the planet. 

Working towards an equitable society that has access to clean air and healthy food is the objective of Greenpeace India and this is central to our Covid response. The current pandemic has hurt and humbled, also providing very valuable insight to design our environmental campaigns in the current context. Greenpeace India, its staff, donors, supporters and volunteers are part of the community and are suffering as much and will do what we can in our limited capacity to fight the current pandemic on ground as we did in the first wave in year 2020.

As of 11.5.2021, 2,42,992 Indians have died from Covid-19 since the outbreak of the pandemic. 3876 people have died in the last 24 hours alone. Individual citizens are selling their valuables, pooling in resources, helping the needy with medical care and setting up fundraisers for the benefit of complete strangers. This inspires Greenpeace India to use our knowledge and resources to play our part in fighting this pandemic. And we cannot do it without your support. 

You will be able to find more on our on-ground Covid-19 interventions here. 

Greenpeace India demands the international community to rise to the occasion and support the demand of India to waive TRIPs so that vaccines are accessible to all across the globe. These unprecedented times, WTO and the counties of the world need to come together for unhindered global sharing of technology and know-how in order that rapid responses for the handling of Covid-19 can be put in place. 

Thank you for continuing to be an integral part of Greenpeace India’s journey. Do check out Greenpeace India website and follow us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter to know more about our work.

Stay Safe. Stay Healthy.

Binu Jacob
Executive Director
Greenpeace India