The Clean Air Nation app by Greenpeace India empowers users to find out the quality of air they are breathing and more importantly, how to protect themselves on bad polluted days and what actions government should take to protect public health.


India is home to 13 out of 20 most polluted cities in the world according to a World Health Organisation report.

Using the app is simple, you can visit Google Play store and download it at:

Shivanandan L, Technology Manager at Greenpeace India, explained why he created this application,“35% of school going children are affected by the dangers of the pollution they are living with every day: as a father myself, I wanted to do something to highlight these dangers. The obvious solution to this ever-mounting problem would surely be to tackle the problem of air pollution by reducing emissions at sources. But I’m afraid that’s not likely to happen quickly – and certainly not unless people show their expectations from the government, and demand an end to this exposure they suffer. I’m a tech minded guy – so my response to the problem was rooted in a techy approach: I wanted to see if we could build a tech solution that would put more power into people’s hands. I set out to design something that would allow people to register their concerns, check for new, current information about the quality of air in their cities, and if that data is missing, have a way to demand it!”

A web friendly version of the app is ready to use at:

Once the user downloads the app, they can go through the different cities’ air quality data as provided by the NAQI (National Air Quality Index). Depending on the quality of the air, the app will give users precautionary measures for different various groups (children, elders and pregnant women).

Notes to editors: As this is a new way of campaigning for Greenpeace India, and we are our first foray into the technology and innovation space, we invite you to test this beta version and provide us feedback so that we can continue to improve the product.

Quick Guide to the App

Step 1

  • Choose the state and city from the dropdown menu list
  • Choose your closest station from the second drop down list
  • Users will be given precautionary measures for six different categories as listed below
  • Users will be given information on health alert, recommendations for government action
  • If the data for a city/ station does not show up then users are directed to the Clean Air Nation campaign page, where they can sign a petition asking the govt to set up air monitoring stations and provide information on air quality.


Icon 1 – About me



Is the air healthy enough to for me go outdoors? On extremely polluted days, it may or may not be okay to head outdoors, and it’s important to know how the users can protect themselves.

Icon 2 – Elderly


Is the air healthy for the elderly to head out side? The elderly are more susceptible to health problems than other groups and this category can help your parents, grandparents and elderly relatives to plan their time out.

Icon 3 – Babies



Can infants and babies be taken outdoors? Babies are sensitive to changes externally and special care needs to be taken if they are going outdoors

Icon 4 – Pregnant women


Is the air healthy enough for pregnant women? They are at risk from breathing in polluted air as it has direct implications on the development of the baby.

Icon 5 – Patients with respiratory disorders

Is it okay for patients to go out?

Patients with respiratory disorders may experience further problems if they are outdoors in polluted air. Precautionary measures will help this sensitive group to plan if they should head outdoors.

Icon 6 – Mask precaution


Should I be wearing a N95 ask?

The app has a special section usage of N95 masks, which come with a carbon filter and help in filtering the polluted air for breathing. This icon gives suggestions to users if they should be using the N95 mask to go outdoors.

For more details contact:

Sunil Dahiya: +91 9013673250
Avinash Chanchal : +91 8359826363

Ruhie Kumar: +91 8447325899