New Delhi, November 26, 2013: Leading political parties Bharatiya Janta Party, Congress and Aam Aadmi Party have included the Greenpeace demands to implement a solar rooftop policy for Delhi in their manifesto for the upcoming Assembly elections.

Greenpeace had, earlier this year, released a roadmap to implement solar rooftop in Delhi. The report “Rooftop Revolution: Unleashing Delhi’s Solar Potential” showcasing the potential of solar energy in Delhi was submitted to the present government and other political parties (1).

“It is reassuring to see all the leading political parties to have taken cognizance of the Greenpeace “Switch on the Sun” campaign and the importance of this untapped potential sitting on our rooftops. This is a major step towards decentralising our energy infrastructure. For the first time all the parties have given due importance to solar and have included our demands in their electoral manifesto. But we will be looking forward for implementable policies and on ground work next year to ensure that these visions and promises just don’t stay on papers. We hope the new government will ensure Delhi becomes the solar capital of India and a world class sustainable city and will help Delhi turn over a new leaf,”   said Anand Prabu, Campaigner, Greenpeace India.

Greenpeace has also done the analysis of the manifestos released by these political parties on renewable energy and release a report card (2). Though it is noteworthy that all the leading political parties have emphasised on solar in their election manifesto for the first time, there is a clear lack of vision and mission and more of a vague promise in the Congress manifesto. Aam Aadmi Party has made good provisions for solar energy, but falters by providing a 2024 timeline for 20% solar energy showing a lack of long term vision. BJP on the other hand has shown ambition and a clear vision while announcing their intention to make Delhi the Solar Capital of India through generation of solar power on the roof tops of government and other buildings.

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