24th January, 2015, New Delhi: Delhiites have been breathing extremely poor air this winter with PM2.5 averages peaking at 320micrograms/cubic meter, 6 times the Indian safety limits and 14 times that of the WHO’s.

Greenpeace India monitors the PM2.5 levels in Central Delhi and finds peak pollution levels to be 3 times the Indian safety limits, 9 times that of the WHO’s and 2.5 times the average levels in Beijing!

Ahead of the United States President Barack Obama’s Delhi visit for the 66th Republic Day celebration, the choking levels of air pollution in the city have been peaking again! Greenpeace India decided to do a real-time check on the pollution levels along the trail the President is likely to take. PM2.5 levels monitored at several locations including that of the Raj Ghat and Hyderabad House revealed unhealthy and hazardous quality of air.

Releasing the results of the monitoring today, Greenpeace India Campaigner, Aishwaraya Madineni said “We wanted to find out how much pollution President Obama is expected to breathe. Our data and readings are quite shocking. Despite the wet weather, the real-time, instant exposure levels were found to be poor and unhealthy. The precautionary measures being taken by the U.S. Govt to ensure the safety of their president is a clear indication of how unacceptable the pollution levels in Delhi are. President Obama will soon be returning home, but the people of Delhi will be left to breathe the same toxic air.”

What Greenpeace India has done?

Following President Obama’s trail, Greenpeace used an air-monitoring device called PDR 1500, to track the pollution levels in six different locations at which President Obama is expected. This device monitors fine particulate matter with a diameter of 2.5 micrometers.

World over, PM2.5 has been recognised as a major health hazard resulting in a wide range of illnesses including that of cancer. Its impacts are felt most on the respiratory, reproductive and cardiac systems leading to an increased rate of mortality.

PM2.5 Data Collection on the 23rd January 2015 as per the locations on Obama’s itinerary.

  • Time of data collection – 7:20am – 10:20 am, 23rd January, 2015
  • Device used – PDR 1500(Manufacturer – Thermo Scientific)
  • No of Locations chosen – 6
  • Average time of the readings/monitoring – 5minutes
  • Units of measurement – Micrograms/Cubic Meter


Table showing PM2.5 Data in micrograms/cubic meter for six locations

Location Monitoring Time Maximum Level of PM2.5 Average Level of PM2.5
Janpath 5 Minutes 264 220
Hyderabad House 5 Minutes 239 233
Connaught Place 5 Minutes 208 202
National Green Tribunal 5 Minutes 221 199
Raj Ghat 5 Minutes 229 210
Lodhi Garden 5 Minutes 211 189

NOTE – The readings in the above table when compared with the safety standards for PM2.5 set by that of the WHO, USEPA and BEIJING are as follows –

  • More than 3 times the permissible Indian Standards for PM2.5(24hr Avg limit)
  • More than 9 times WHO’s permissible limits(24hr Avg limit)
  • More than 6 times the US standard
  • More than 2.5 times the average level in Beijing

“Delhi’s air quality was at its worst this winter with heavy episodes of smog leading to PM2.5 averages soaring at 320micrograms/cubic meter. This is extremely dangerous. There is an urgent need to curb the air pollution levels in the city and I hope the Indian Govt recognises and accepts the need to act now in order to protect and safe-guard the health of its own citizens” said Aishwarya.

The Indian Govt’s “ambient air-quality standards” are several times lower than that of the WHO’s and the annual averages set by Beijing. This consistent and increasing trend in Delhi’s air pollution levels is a cause of concern and a serious health hazard. There is an immediate need to put in place stringent actions that will result in improved air quality in the city.

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