New Delhi | April 17, 2015| Greenpeace India has urgently asked the MHA to unblock all its domestic accounts maintained for Indian donations as these accounts do not fall under the provisions of the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act. Greenpeace India gets about 70% of its funds from over 70,000 Indian donors; these accounts have also been frozen by the MHA by its April 9 order, in addition to the foreign contribution accounts.

In a letter to the MHA dated April 16, 2015, Samit Aich, Executive Director asked the MHA for a response within 7 days, stating, “Freezing of all of GPIS’s bank accounts irrespective of the source of the funds therein, risks causing needless suffering to the dedicated staff of GPIS and deprives the Indian supporters of Greenpeace’s work, whose sole purpose is to protect the public interest, and ensure we have clean air, water, standing forests, and a clean and sustainable energy system to ensure the health and well being of the current and future generations.”

On January 20, the Delhi High Court had ordered the government to give Greenpeace India access to money sent from Greenpeace International as the government had failed to justify to the court why such funds should be blocked. Despite this order against them, the Ministry of Home Affairs again blocked funds sent by Greenpeace International on March 23, more than two weeks before it issued the show cause notice to Greenpeace India under the FCRA. In its letter, the NGO has now asked the MHA to clarify the legal basis on which it blocked the funds sent on March 23.

“We have asked the MHA to explain why no show cause notice was issued to us until after we wrote to the MHA on April 8, requesting an explanation for the basis on which they blocked the March 23 transfer from Greenpeace International.” See this letter here.

In the letter, Greenpeace India has confirmed to the MHA that it will respond in detail to the show cause notice and order within the stipulated time frame.

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