‘They think women can’t ride bicycles. We will show them we can do anything’
Manjula, Garment Factory Labourer and Cyclist

And showing the world they are. After a year of planning, testing, training, custom designing, manufacturing and distribution, #PowerThePedal cycles are out on the streets. With these cycles, women like Manjula are reclaiming public spaces that have been systemically denied to them, and with that, they are fighting air pollution and climate change. 

Cities consume over two-thirds of the world’s energy and are responsible for over 70% of global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. In India, road transport emissions are the third biggest contributors to CO2 levels. The solution to this is simple – Power. The. Pedal

Women cyclists leading the campaign in Bengaluru and Delhi are sending out the message that they will be pushed to the margins no more. Needs of women – especially from low-income groups, children, sexual minorities and other marginalised communities are seldom taken into consideration while designing cities. This inequity while planning cities provides a disproportionate space to private vehicles, worsening our air quality rapidly. The women of Power The Pedal are making a case for all these communities, who have the right to equal access to public facilities that helps them earn, work, study, travel and live their lives.

Clean transport = Clean cities

The #PowerThePedal cycles have been designed taking into account the feedback given by the women to ensure it caters to their needs. The seats are broader, top tube has been lowered to ensure the women can comfortably ride in sarees, baskets and carriers have been provided to ensure the bike can accommodate bags and more. With contributions from our supporters and donors we have delivered the first 500 bicycles to its owners. 

Our goal is to build a community of 5000 women workers who will make a case of climate justice in our transportation system! Through Power The Pedal let us together demand cities that are just, equitable, clean, green and sustainable!