
It is going to be an eventful 2024 as we are set to welcome the iconic Greenpeace ship Rainbow Warrior. Rainbow Warrior, has been a passionate and endearing member of the Greenpeace team, bearing witness and demanding accountability from extractivist corporations and governments in the high seas. This ship is the result of the vision, passion and contributions from people across the globe, who understand the importance of campaigning in the high seas, far away from civilization, where corporations continue to plunder natural resources, disrupting delicate marine ecosystems in the process and endangering marine life.

The first Rainbow Warrior was commissioned in 1978 and since then this ship has played a crucial role in being the voice of the people and the planet.
And now we get to witness and experience Rainbow Warrior first hand! People For Climate – Greenpeace Indian Ocean Ship Tour 2024 is set to unfold on January 27th and everybody is welcome. We are curating an experience like never before complete with a Museum Of Memories and photo exhibition that will bring to life the devastation caused by the climate crisis, especially experienced by some of the most vulnerable communities. Then there will be an immersive VR film that documents the life of Badal Das, a farmer from the scenic Sundarbans which experiences devastation due to extreme weather, land erosion and man-animal conflict all year round. 

The aim of this ship tour is to engage with people on the critical issue of climate justice. Climate change is not a phenomenon of the future anymore. It is right here and now. Data shows that in 2023 India experienced extreme weather events during 86% of the days, during which we lost nearly 3000 lives. It is time we look beyond mitigation, and start actively working on adaptation measures. South Asia, including India is one of the worst impacted regions of the world, with World Bank data showing that over half the people in the region, 750 million people, have experienced extreme weather over the last two decades. 

It is high time we stop viewing these extreme weather events in silos and look at them as a symptom of a larger, deeper problem at hand – The Climate Crisis. The stories around these extreme natural disasters need to be told before they hit and much after they have passed. Communities impacted by these floods, cyclones, droughts, cold waves, heatwaves etc continue to reel under its direct and indirect impact for years. Alongside mitigation measures, there is an urgent need to build resilience and adaptability of the communities to the changing realities – especially that of marginalised groups like daily wage labourers, women, children, farmers, fishermen, specially abled, sexual minorities. The Museum of Memories is an attempt at telling this story in full, a documentation of belongings, people, animals that were lost to the climate crisis, and whose memories should serve us as a reminder of the emergency we have at hand. These memories are here to remind us that we should demand accountability, from big polluters, governments, elected representatives, civil society and ourselves.

Brief History

The Rainbow Warrior is an undisputed icon. Synonymous with breaking boundaries and fearless campaigning, Greenpeace has sailed with the name Rainbow Warrior since 1978. Our current sailing ship has been patrolling the world’s oceans since 2011.

Rainbow Warrior is the first ship in the fleet designed and built specifically for Greenpeace. The ship serves as a floating symbol of participation, equipped with cutting-edge technology to document and address environmental issues firsthand. Whether advocating for forest and marine conservation, or for renewable energy solutions, the Rainbow Warrior remains an integral part of Greenpeace’s ongoing efforts to inspire change and promote a sustainable future.  

The Indian Ocean Tour 2024

This January 27th the iconic Rainbow Warrior is set to enter the Port of Chennai for a 7-day tour and everyone is invited! Through this campaign, Greenpeace India along with allies, will be demonstrating the need for strong community-driven climate responsiveness that focuses on adaptation and resilience of the most vulnerable. 

During the ship tour, Greenpeace has planned a comprehensive 7 day program from Feb 1st to 6th of February, where we will be hosting various events, including engaging with local communities, youth representatives, media, policymakers, stakeholders, social media influencers, educational institutions, volunteers and our supporters to encourage collective efforts in addressing issues such as climate change, climate adaptation, plastic pollution, and the preservation of marine biodiversity.

Guided Tours

We will offer guided tours of the Rainbow Warrior to participants providing insight into the ship’s operations, environmental initiatives, and learn about its history, mission, and the inspiring stories of its crew members.

Roundtable Discussion and Engagement

As part of the events, Greenpeace plans to host roundtable discussions with allied CSOs, media and impacted communities to share their first hand experiences with extreme weather events caused by climate change. The sessions are aimed at sharing experiences in disaster survival, resilience, campaign and livelihood. The event will see the presence of representatives from the media too. 

Museum of Memories

Museum of Memories is dedicated to collecting and showcasing artifacts from communities impacted by extreme weather events in India. These artifacts, referred to as “Objects of Memory,” hold significant value for the individuals and communities that have experienced the profound effects of climate change-related cyclones, floods, and other calamities. Our mission is to curate and exhibit these objects to highlight the emotional and personal dimensions of climate change, fostering solidarity and understanding among affected communities and the museum’s audience.

Audio Booth

The Covid19 crisis seems like a bad dream that we lived through. While for many of us things might have returned to ‘normal’, the impact of the pandemic is still felt by communities, especially by some of the most marginalised. The audio booth is here to give you an auditory reminder of the experience of the Covid19 crisis and how it worsened the social and economic divide between communities and is a reflection of our collective preparedness – or lack there of – when faced with similar crises.

VR Film

Experience the beauty of Sundarbans through this virtual reality film that documents a first-person experience of Badal Das, a local farmer and fisherman. Badal Da has lost most of his agricultural land to cyclones and subsequent land erosion. His depleting options for livelihood often force him to enter the forests, which makes him vulnerable to tiger attacks. Listen to Badal Das as he takes us through his small village in Gosaba and recounts his love for his only home despite all the hardships.

Plastic Installation

A dramatic installation made of used plastic bottles, will be set up to highlight the magnitude of the plastic pollution crisis, especially in our oceans. Communities that are bearing the brunt of the plastic crisis, choking in its endless production and disposal, will be sharing messages that will be inserted into these bottles that will be on display.

Kids’ Zone

The Kids Zone will be a vibrant and engaging space designed to captivate young minds with a blend of creativity and environmental consciousness. In this lively corner, children will have the opportunity to express their artistic flair through activities like face painting, seed ball making, talent hunt and more. These eco-friendly crafting activities not only promise a joyful experience but also impart valuable lessons about the importance of repurposing materials for a sustainable future. The activities will be overseen and facilitated by dedicated volunteers, ensuring a safe and enjoyable environment for all participants. 

Photo Exhibition

This photo exhibition includes the works of noted photographers Palani Kumar, Supratim Bhattarcharjee and several community women and reveals stories of people living in vulnerable coastal and delta regions. Each photo showcases the close connection between communities and their changing environments, highlighting the resilience of coastal dwellers and the cultural richness shaped by tides. The exhibition aims to humanize the often-overlooked stories of these communities.

01/02/2024RW Welcome Ceremony and launch of the SA ship tour in Chennai, IndiaWelcome ceremony: Cultural performance; Open the Ship tour in India – with key VIP guests (Authorities, Celebs, Influencers, Board Members and Allies onboard;
Launch of “Museum of Memories”;
Individual performance by an Artist;
Photo Exhibition; Followed by lunch
03/02/2024Open boats: day 3 – PublicVisit of the ship:
(Art installation: “Museum of memories” to showcase the impact on the people from the flood affected regions across India; Photo exhibition of human stories from the coasts and deltas; VR immersive booth on Sundarbans, this will involve a mangrove-like installation; Documentaries and videos that highlight the importance of conservation;
Kids Zone);
This is a one hour visit for each individual- 20 mins at the berth; 30 mins inside the ship (10 mins at each station); 10 mins at the donor booth and exit.
04/02/2024Open boats: day 4 – PublicVisit of the ship:
(Art installation: “Museum of memories” to showcase the impact on the people from the flood affected regions across India; Photo exhibition of human stories from the coasts and deltas; VR immersive booth on Sundarbans, this will involve a mangrove-like installation; Documentaries and videos that highlight the importance of conservation;
Kids Zone);
This is a one hour visit for each individual- 20 mins at the berth; 30 mins inside the ship (10 mins at each station); 10 mins at the donor booth and exit.
05/02/2024Special invite open boats: day 5 1. Meeting with the members of the media fraternity with allies and campaign report launch
2. Volunteers visit and meet with the Ship Crew (15:30 to 18:00)
1. Seminar on extreme weather events with the senior journos, editors, city relevant media folks with the coastal communities + allies + campaign report launch: “Re-imagining Climate Adaptation: Dalits, Adivasis and Fishing Communities as Climate Faculties” – followed by lunch

2. Volunteers and activists community visit the ship + meeting and exchange with the Ship Crew (to inspire our volunteer community and experience sharing) – Followed by tea and snacks
06/02/2024Students day out