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  • Witness 1.16 Vol. 54

    Kakrapar Nuclear Plant suffered an accident in March which led to leakage of heavy water. Close to a million lives, that reside within the 30km radius of Kakrapar Nuclear Plant…

  • 72 Hours And Counting!

    Greenpeace calls for an immediate investigation into India’s aging heavy water reactors post Kakrapar accident Following a serious accident at the Kakrapar Atomic Power Station in Gujarat on March 11,…

    Greenpeace India
  • Greenpeace Supports India’s decision to challenge WTO ruling on India’s Solar Mission

    February 26, 2016 | Washington/New Delhi: India’s plans for meeting its ambitious renewable energy targets while boosting the national green job market have received a setback this week. The World Trade Organisation (WTO) has sided with the United States and ruled against India’s allocation of domestic content requirements (DCR) for domestically produced components in renewable…

    Greenpeace India 3 min read
  • SarSo Satyagraha – People power defers GM Mustard decision

    When a government body excludes all the farmers' and consumers' voice to decide on pushing a highly debated technology into their farm and food, it's time for the alarm bells to ring in a democracy. Specially when independent scientists raise concern, farmer unions protest and consumers say no to GM crops very vocally. The major…

    Manvendra Singh Inaniya
  • Annual Report 2014 – 2015

    The epic fight back.

    Greenpeace India
  • SolarVerse: the prose of solar power

    Solar energy represents a vital opportunity to power India cleanly and efficiently. So, along with acclaimed young poet Shikha Malaviya, and in association with Delhi Poetry Slam, we decided to spread the message about solar in a new way by asking Greenpeace supporters to help create a crowdsourced solar poem.

    Solar Team
  • Witness 4.15 Vol. 53

    Greenpeace India’s young and clever bunch of volunteers never fail at creativity. The volunteers in Delhi took to the streets to introduce a new customer product – “Frest Airo -…

  • Delhi just the tip of the air pollution iceberg: Greenpeace analyses NAQI data across Indian cities

    New Delhi 15th December 2015: A ranking of the 17 cities covered by the National Air Quality Index (NAQI) was released by Greenpeace India today, and reveals data to challenge the complacence of the Central and State Governments regarding cities other than Delhi: as many as fifteen of the 17 Indian cities with NAQI stations…

    Greenpeace India 2 min read
  • GM Mustard: Throwing Caution To The Wind Is Not Always Healthy

    Science and scientists have always played a huge role in shaping the course of civilizations over thousands of years.  India in the last 60 years too has been the beneficiary of great strides made in science. But there has also been a growing realization in hindsight that the checks and balances put on scientific innovation…

    Siddharth Sreenivas
  • Greenpeace India launches ‘Clean Air Nation’ application on Google Store

    The Clean Air Nation app by Greenpeace India empowers users to find out the quality of air they are breathing and more importantly, how to protect themselves on bad polluted days and what actions government should take to protect public health.

    Greenpeace India 4 min read