
Journalists and news media have a critical role to play in the fight against climate change. Quality climate reportage has the power to build dialogue, encourage behavioural shifts, highlight impacted communities and present reliable information to influence policy decisions that can help build resilience of the population.  

Edition 1.0 of Climate Stories by Greenpeace India calls upon independent journalists who can present untold stories of climate impact, devastation and resilience around India’s   (1) agriculture communities and food systems (2) extreme weather events in cities.

Woman farmer using ecological fertilizers in Bihar, India shows off her freshly harvested cauliflower.
Village women carry fodder back home through fields in Barchhibigha village, Giriak Block in Nalanda District.

Climate change and related events continue to ravage communities, pushing more people into poverty, drastically impacting lives, livelihoods, nutrition security, biodiversity and the overall quality of life of present and future generations. It is imperative to tell these stories in order to build a strong community of climate aware citizens. Climate Stories will work with select independent journalists to tell these crucial stories of human suffering and resilience to strengthen the people’s movement against climate change.

What Can I Write About

We are open to all story ideas around the broader themes of agriculture, food, extreme weather and climate change that impact the local communities, environment, economy, health and development. We will however be looking for stories with the following focus points.

  • A human-centric approach, with focus on constructive interventions and resilience;
  • Establish a rural-urban or grower-consumer connect;
  • Highlight seasonal, local, uncultivated and wild foods;
  • Amplify stories of farmer producer and community supported climate resilient food systems;
  • Original analysis of nutritional value in public distribution systems;
  • Interventions related to dietary diversity and other themes;
  • Community knowledge, perspective on dietary diversity and food and nutritional security;
  • Climate change impacts on coastal agriculture, aquaculture
  • Impact of sea level rise on communities, habitats, and livelihoods
  • Impact of heatwave and other extreme events like floods on vulnerable populations in cities

We are particularly interested in story pitches that look at climate issues through a gender-sensitive, intersectional lens. Ideas that have already received a lot of media coverage or are readily available in public domain are less likely to be selected. We are looking for pitches that have the potential to raise awareness, generate dialogue and trigger new conversations around food systems, extreme weather and climate change.

Here Are The Details

Ten chosen journalists will be awarded a budget of ₹ 30,000 each for one story of 1000-1500 words or a 3-5 minute long audio visual story on a pre-approved story pitch.

Can I Apply?

Applications are open to journalists working in any medium (online, print, television, radio) and other media professionals who have reported and published original stories. We welcome applications from early-career journalists and experienced reporters with a track record of covering environmental issues. We encourage applications from freelance reporters and staff from all types of national, local and community-based organisations.

How To Apply?

Send us your latest resume along with at least two published work samples, a detailed story pitch, details of logistical support requirements with a budget breakdown and a recommendation letter from the publication that will publish the story. 

Applicants must consider the timeline while pitching and accordingly make a work plan. 

We encourage reporters to follow best practices for Covid-19 while reporting.
Stories can be produced in English and Hindi. (Stories produced in Hindi would be assisted with English translation)

Additional reporting logistics such as travel and accommodation if required should be clearly mentioned with the pitch. 

The applications will be shortlisted by a panel of senior journalists and Greenpeace India campaigners. The senior journalists will also act as mentors to the chosen candidates.  

Published stories, related posts and/or broadcasts must disclose Greenpeace India’s support by including this tagline: “This story was produced with support from Greenpeace India” 

The Storytellers are free to publish or broadcast their stories first in their agreed or affiliated media a week after which Greenpeace India will be given rights to republish and broadcast on its channels.

Application Deadline

The last date for submission of application is 31 October 2022.

The final Climate Story pitches will be chosen by the second week of November 2022 with the expectation that all the stories would be published by the end of December at the latest.

Meet The Mentors

Banjot Kaur,
The Wire

Jayanta Basu,
The Telegraph

Rohin Kumar,
Greenpeace India

Avinash Chanchal,
Greenpeace India

List Of Documents Needed

Latest Resume

At least two published work samples

A detailed story pitch

Details of logistical support requirements with a budget breakdown, if needed

A recommendation letter from the publication that will publish the story

All the documents need to be submitted to