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  • Witness 1.19

    KUSUM is now a reality. The central government has heard our voices and has finally released allocated funds not just for KUSUM but also for Solar Rooftops.

    Mak Alam
  • Witness 4.18

    Bihar Yatra which has been a success for us, as our activists along with Greenpeace India farmers collective commenced on a 10-day march covering a distance of 1500 kms.

    Mak Alam
  • Witness 3.18

    After a sustained effort to push the solar rooftop campaigns, Greenpeace India is now working to make KUSUM a reality.

    Mak Alam
  • Witness 2.18

    While the world is struggling to tackle the problem of plastic India became the global host of World Environment Day with the theme of #BeatPlasticPollution.

  • Witness 1.18

    One year down the line, the air quality hasn’t improved much, despite efforts like ban on firecrackers, implementation of odd-even car policy and more. Meanwhile Greenpeace came out with Airpocalypse…

    Grace Saji
  • Annual Report 2016-2017

    Breathing change.

    Greenpeace India
  • Witness 4.17

    There has been a strategic shift towards renewables as the world realised the implications of climate change with increasing number of extreme weather events and 195 nations joined hands to…

    Grace Saji
  • A Call From The Deep Blue

    Take a deep breath. Every second breath you take comes from the oceans. Oceans cover over 70 percent of the expanse on Earth and afford shelter to a multitude of lifeforms

    Shivani Shah
  • Annual Report 2014 – 2015

    The epic fight back.

    Greenpeace India
  • Witness 1.15

    Over the course of 4 years, more than one million individuals like yourself have given their immense support and not only managed to save these precious ancient forests of India,…

    Grace Saji