There is indisputable evidence of the linkage of air pollution to the health of the individuals. One of the biggest reasons for increasing air pollution levels over the past years in cities is unsustainable transportation we use. According to the Airpocalypse-IV report, about 80% of Indian cities are vulnerable to air pollution and exceed the national air quality standards. The ‘Toxic Air: The Price of Fossil Fuels’ report estimates one million deaths each year in India due to air pollution generated from burning fossil fuels and costs 10.7 lakh crore or 5.4% of India’s GDP every year. A paradigm shift in the current transportation sector is the need of the hour.

Greenpeace India wishes to reimagine India’s mobility space. We urge you to avoid using the car for at least a day a week. Alternatively, we encourage you to pedal and prefer using public transport. In any case, you know this too, cars are not great equalisers but cycles definitely are. Since this is the time of everything to be smart, it makes no sense to depend on burning fossil fuel. It’s time to move renewable-electrical and pedal power.

Greenpeace strives to policy shift at the mobility front. Meanwhile, we also appeal to conscious Indian citizens like you, to adapt to little behavioural changes.

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