
Homepage主頁 v2018


專題報導 海洋
3 mins


作者: 綠色和平

凌晨3時30分,尚未到早禱時間,但馬加沙利村(Margasari Village)村長Ride漫長而奔波的一天自此展開──他接獲村民告知,油污正進逼這條位於印尼東加里曼丹省巴里巴班灣(Balikpapan Bay)的近岸村落。

Margasari subdistrict chief, Ride, stands near the fishermen's boat that is docking on the water contaminated by oil next to Pertamina's refinery installation in Margasari village, Balikpapan Bay, East Kalimantan. An oil spill off Balikpapan bay in Borneo island that led to five deaths and the declaration of a state of emergency was caused by a burst of undersea pipe belongs to Indonesia's state oil company Pertamina


Residents watch a fire from the oil spill in Balikpapan bay, East Kalimantan. An oil spill off Borneo island that led to five deaths and the declaration of a state of emergency was caused by a bursed of undersea pipe belongs to Indonesia's state oil company Pertamina


Fishermen collecting plastics contain water and oil next to Pertamina's refinery installation in Margasari village, Balikpapan Bay, East Kalimantan. An oil spill off Balikpapan bay in Borneo island that led to five deaths and the declaration of a state of emergency was caused by a burst of undersea pipe belongs to Indonesia's state oil company Pertamina


A carcass of Iirrawaddy dolphin is examined by the officers after it was dead by the oil spill in Balikpapan bay, East Kalimantan. An oil spill off Borneo island that led to five deaths and the declaration of a state of emergency was caused by a bursed of undersea pipe belongs to Indonesia's state oil company Pertamina

救災分秒必爭,油污也是對海洋生物的死亡之吻,棲息地遍布東南亞的短吻海豚(Iirawaddy Dolphin)亦不能倖免,傷痕纍纍擱淺於沙灘。不過,印尼國營石油公司Pertamina在事故發生後意圖置身事外,事隔數天才承認責任,指位於海平面以下25米的一條輸油管道破裂,釀成事故。

A drone image shows oil spill surrounding Mangrove forest in Kariangau village, Balikpapan Bay, East Kalimantan. An oil spill off Balikpapan bay in Borneo island that led to five deaths and the declaration of a state of emergency was caused by a burst of undersea pipe belongs to Indonesia's state oil company Pertamina

生態系統融為一體,海陸之間哪有明確界線?油污波及最少129平方公里海域──面積超過18,000個標準足球場大小,比1.5個香港島更大。而從航拍照片所見,油污更已蔓延至卡里安加村(Kariangau village)的紅樹林。

Proboscis monkey swim on the contaminated at Mangrove forest that is contaminated by oil in Kariangau village, Balikpapan Bay, East Kalimantan. An oil spill off Balikpapan bay in Borneo island that led to five deaths and the declaration of a state of emergency was caused by a burst of undersea pipe belongs to Indonesia's state oil company Pertamina

走近一看,紅樹林已變成「兩截色」──據印尼環境及森林部報告指出,事故已殃及34畝紅樹林生態系統,連被印尼政府列為當地25個瀕危物種之一的長鼻猴(Proboscis monkey),也無從迴避油污。

Crab's exporter Rustam, showing his crabs that are not approved by quarantine to be export after they were contaminated by oil in Kariangau village, Balikpapan Bay, East Kalimantan. An oil spill off Balikpapan bay in Borneo island that led to five deaths and the declaration of a state of emergency was caused by a burst of undersea pipe belongs to Indonesia's state oil company Pertamina

自然生態首當其衝,漁民生計也大受打擊,就像Rustam手中一籃子滿佈油污的蟹,根本不適宜銷售。微生物學專家Hilda Meutia指出,除了肉眼清晰可見的海洋污染、引致皮膚與呼吸道疾病,漏油更會釋出有毒重金屬及致癌多環芳香烴(PAH)積累於生態系統,對人類及各種生物造成長遠甚至永久傷害。

A boy walks on the drained sea as it is contaminated by oil in Kariangau village, Balikpapan Bay, East Kalimantan. An oil spill off Balikpapan bay in Borneo island that led to five deaths and the declaration of a state of emergency was caused by a burst of undersea pipe belongs to Indonesia's state oil company Pertamina


Greenpeace campaigner Ahmad Ashov Birry monitoring the area of oil spill about 10 kilometres from the pipe leaked location in Balikpapan Bay, East Kalimantan. An oil spill off Balikpapan bay in Borneo island that led to five deaths and the declaration of a state of emergency was caused by a burst of undersea pipe belongs to Indonesia's state oil company Pertamina

正如綠色和平東南亞分部海洋項目主任Arifsyah Nasution所言:「當務之急是Pertamina必須就是次漏油事故及後續影響負起全責。印尼政府亦要把災後復原工作放在首位,並製訂長遠預防措施,避免悲劇再次發生。」




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