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專題報導 海洋
3 mins


作者: 綠色和平



據早前計算,這片位於巴西北部對開海域約60至220米深處的珊瑚礁系統,面積約為9,500平方公里;但今年4月,多位海洋生物學家深入研究綠色和平去年拍攝的珊瑚礁影像後加以論證,指出亞馬遜珊瑚礁的面積高達56,000平方公里,等於原先計算的接近6倍,足足等於50個香港!研究同時發現,這片珊瑚礁猶如連結大西洋南部與加勒比海的海洋生物多樣性廊道,孕育青光鰓魚(Chromis cyanea)等常見於加勒比海的豐富物種。

ENGLISH BELOWBanco de rodolitos coberto por algumas esponjas-do-mar na região dos Corais da Amazônia, a 180 metros de profundidade e 120 km da costa brasileira. A formação está dentro da bloco onde a empresa Total quer buscar petróleo e foi descoberta durante a expedição do Greenpeace na região. O navio Esperanza está no Brasil para uma expedição científica sobre os Corais da Amazônia. Pesquisadores e o time do Greenpeace buscam mais informações sobre esse bioma, que é único no mundo. Empresas internacionais têm planos de explorar petróleo na região próxima aos Corais em breve. Especialistas, no entanto, alertam que um vazamento ali ameaçaria de forma irreversível o bem-estar do ecossistema marinho e das pessoas que habitam a costa. Foto Greenpeace.Rhodolith field covered by some sponges in the Amazon Reef region, 180 meters deep and 120km off the northern coast of Brazil. The formation is where French company Total intends to drill for oil and was found during a Greenpeace expedition in Brazil. The ship Esperanza is back to Brazil for a scientific expedition about the Amazon Reef. Researchers and the Greenpeace team seek for more information about the biome that is unique in the world. International oil companies want to drill for oil within a few kilometers of the Amazon Reef soon. However, experts warn that an oil spill in the area would irreversibly threaten the well being of the ecosystem and people living in the coast. Photo Greenpeace.




Amazon Reef in French Guiana watersPictures made by Greenpeace ship Esperanza in French Guiana waters in May 2018.Reef structures were found at 95 to 120 metres deep, less than 150 kilometres from Cayenne.Scientists on board with Greenpeace found reef structures in two areas studied and were able to take pictures of a few corals and fish species. The team of scientists involved in the research are confident to say that these reef structures are part of the Amazon Reef. Photo Greenpeace




ENGLISH BELOWO navio Esperanza está no Brasil para uma expedição científica sobre os Corais da Amazônia. Pesquisadores e o time do Greenpeace buscam mais informações sobre esse bioma, que é único no mundo. Empresas internacionais têm planos de explorar petróleo na região próxima aos Corais em breve. Especialistas, no entanto, alertam que um vazamento ali ameaçaria de forma irreversível o bem-estar do ecossistema marinho e das pessoas que habitam a costa. Foto Marizilda Cruppe/Greenpeace.The ship Esperanza is back to Brazil for a scientific expedition about the Amazon Reef. Researchers and the Greenpeace team seek for more information about the biome that is unique in the world. International oil companies want to drill for oil within a few kilometers of the Amazon Reef soon. However, experts warn that an oil spill in the area would irreversibly threaten the well-being of the ecosystem and people living in the coast. Photo Marizilda Cruppe/Greenpeace.



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