
Homepage主頁 v2018


專題報導 森林
3 mins


作者: 綠色和平行動者Waya Maweru

編按:「眼淚,不足以守護雨林,因此我成為行動者。」印尼學生Waya Maweru抹去為雨林消逝而流的淚水,上月中聯同另外五位行動者在西班牙卡迪斯灣海面,和平地登上一艘由印尼駛往荷蘭鹿特丹、載有全球最大毀林棕櫚油供應商豐益國際(Wilmar)棕櫚油產品的貨輪,要求豐益國際及Oreo生產商億滋國際(Mondelēz International)等消費品牌停止助長破壞印尼雨林;以下由她分享行動前夕的心路歷程。

Atlantic Ocean, on 17 November 2018. - Activist Waya prepares to leave the MV Esperanza to begin their boarding action on a giant tanker ship carrying dirty palm oil from Indonesia to Europe in a peaceful protest against rainforest destruction.Trained Greenpeace climbers from Indonesia, Germany, the UK, France, Canada and the US, have safely scaled the side of Stolt Tenacity and aim to stay on board until it arrives at its final destination in Rotterdam.The 185-metre long cargo ship is loaded with palm oil from Wilmar, the largest and dirtiest palm oil trader in the world.



Documentation of landcover, forest clearance and plantation development in PT Megakarya Jaya Raya (PT MJR) oil palm concession, part of the Hayel Saeed Anam group which has a number of palm oil related interests including Pacific Inter-Link which controls HSA's palm oil refining and trading interests.




Atlantic Ocean, on 17 November 2018. - Crew members of the Stolt Tenacity tanker ship confront six Greenpeace activists who boarded the giant tanker ship carrying dirty palm oil from Indonesia to Europe in a peaceful protest against rainforest destruction.Trained Greenpeace climbers from Indonesia, Germany, the UK, France, Canada and the US, have safely scaled the side of Stolt Tenacity and aim to stay on board until it arrives at its final destination in Rotterdam.The 185-metre long cargo ship is loaded with palm oil from Wilmar, the largest and dirtiest palm oil trader in the world.



Atlantic Ocean, on 17 November 2018. - Six Greenpeace activists have boarded a giant tanker ship carrying dirty palm oil from Indonesia to Europe in a peaceful protest against rainforest destruction.Trained Greenpeace climbers from Indonesia, Germany, the UK, France, Canada and the US, have safely scaled the side of Stolt Tenacity and aim to stay on board until it arrives at its final destination in Rotterdam.The 185-metre long cargo ship is loaded with palm oil from Wilmar, the largest and dirtiest palm oil trader in the world.




Atlantic Ocean, on 17 November 2018. - Activists prepare to leave the MV Esperanza to begin their boarding action on a giant tanker ship carrying dirty palm oil from Indonesia to Europe in a peaceful protest against rainforest destruction.Trained Greenpeace climbers from Indonesia, Germany, the UK, France, Canada and the US, have safely scaled the side of Stolt Tenacity and aim to stay on board until it arrives at its final destination in Rotterdam.The 185-metre long cargo ship is loaded with palm oil from Wilmar, the largest and dirtiest palm oil trader in the world.





Waya等六名行動者成功登上Stolt Tenacity貨輪,並展示「拯救雨林」、「拒絕毀林棕櫚油」橫額,但其後一度被扣留船艙內長達33小時,最終獲西班牙當局釋放。

11月24日,綠色和平荷蘭辦公室的六位行動者,阻止Stolt Tenacity停泊於荷蘭鹿特丹港口,並和平地展示「Oreo,停止使用毀林棕櫚油」的橫額。其中一位來自印尼蘇門答臘的行動者Lara Wido Mathovani,本身亦是綠色和平「雨林救火隊」成員,她表示:「棕櫚油企業為了開墾種植園,在我的村落附近焚燒土地。每年火勢都會失控,每年我熟悉的人都在霧霾裡無法呼吸、雨林都會化為灰燼。從雨林最前線與火舌搏鬥,到今天遠離家鄉行動,我想告訴Oreo:為了雨林、為了您我,必須停止使用毀林棕櫚油。」



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