Find the answers to all these questions at the link below.



  1. What does TTIP stand for and what is it about?
  2. What is the focus of negotiations?
  3. When will a deal be reached?
  4. What are the environmental risks associated with TTIP?
  5. What is ISDS and what is wrong with it?
  6. Is the Commission’s new Investment Court System better than ISDS?
  7. Can we trust that the European Commission will not weaken EU standards on the environment?
  8. What would be the economic advantages of a comprehensive EU-US trade agreement?
  9. Is the Commission as transparent as can be expected during complex and sensitive negotiations?
  10. What is Greenpeace’s alternative to TTIP?
  11. Is public resistance to TTIP confined to a radical European minority?
  12. Opposition to TTIP might slow its completion, but is a deal inevitable?
  13. What would happen if the EU and US failed to agree a deal?
  14. If it is bad news for the EU, is TTIP good news for the US?
  15. What is regulatory cooperation and why is it a threat?
  16. What is CETA and why do you also oppose it?
  17. Is Greenpeace anti-trade?
  18. US enforcement of air pollution standards led to the discovery of emissions cheating by Volkswagen. Is this not a perfect example of why Europeans should not be scared of TTIP?
  19. A car that is sold in the EU cannot be sold in the US without being significantly re-engineered to fit different specifications. Why should Americans and Europeans not drive the same cars?
  20. What’s wrong with rinsing chickens in a water and chlorine bath?
  21. Americans have been growing and eating GM crops for years. Why do you not want GMOs in Europe?
  22. What are the implications of a TTIP agreement on EU energy imports and exports and for renewables?
  23. Can individual sectors be excluded from a future TTIP deal?

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