Brussels, 20 June 2022 – An earlier EU phase-out date for cars and vans with internal combustion engines would net significant savings for European drivers and hugely reduce greenhouse gas emissions, according to new calculations by Greenpeace Germany. An end to sales of new petrol, diesel and hybrid cars in 2028 would reduce oil use enough to save drivers €635 billion by 2049 compared to the EU Commission’s current proposal for a phase-out in 2035, and would reduce CO2 emissions by an additional 1.7 Gigatonnes – equivalent to Russia’s entire emissions for a year.

A phase-out of internal combustion engine cars in 2030, a position already supported by several EU governments, would save €460 billion in fuel costs and reduce CO2 emissions by 1.2 Gigatonnes by 2049 compared to the European Commission’s proposal. Greenpeace Germany’s calculations on the potential savings for drivers are conservative, based on fuel and electricity prices before the spike caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Greenpeace EU transport campaigner Lorelei Limousin said: “Transport in the EU is desperately dependent on oil, which is a disaster not only for the climate but also people’s wallets. A huge amount of the oil burned in the EU comes from repressive countries – a quarter from Russia – where the money Europeans pay at the pump ends up funding war and human rights abuses. Environment ministers must speed up the phase-out of oil-burning cars, because the climate can’t afford to wait longer, and drivers can’t afford the prices.”

The calculations also show the potential for national savings on fuel costs, and CO2 emission reductions, for Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden.

Greenpeace is calling for an end to sales in the EU of new cars and vans with internal combustion engines in 2028, in line with the EU’s contribution to the Paris climate agreement’s goal of limiting global heating to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels and avoiding the worst effects of climate breakdown.

EU environment ministers are due to decide on a joint position on the ban of new fossil fuelled cars and CO2 targets from 2025 when they meet on 28 June. Governments such as Germany and Spain back the EU Commission’s proposal of a 2035 phase-out, which was also backed by the European Parliament in a vote on 8 June. Several EU countries, including Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Denmark and Belgium, have backed a phase-out by 2030. 

In recent months, car lobby and fossil fuel groups have lobbied heavily against a ban on internal combustion engine cars, and for the introduction of CO2 credits to carmakers for the use of synthetic fuel  that would further weaken the regulation and the outcome of the Council. The French and the German car industries have already slammed the 2035 date after the Parliament vote earlier this month. 

Transport accounts for almost two thirds of the oil used in the EU, with Russia as the single biggest supplier. Greenhouse gas emissions from transport in the EU have risen by over 25% since 1990 and make up 30% of the EU’s total greenhouse gas emissions, with vans and cars accounting for 14.5% of CO2 emissions.


Lorelei Limousin, Greenpeace EU transport campaigner: [email protected], +32 (0)477 79 04 15 

Greenpeace EU press desk: [email protected], +32 (0)2 274 1911

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