We want to create a world where the environment doesn’t need protection.
  1. Commitment: Our mission for the past 45 years has been to use peaceful action to achieve positive change for the future of our planet.
  2. Remaining free of vested interests: To guarantee our independence and integrity, we do not accept funding from companies or governments. We rely entirely on the support of individuals – such as you – who share our vision of a green and peaceful world. 
  3. Flexibility: Though tackling climate change is our over-arching top priority, we are also dedicated to saving forests, oceans, and ridding the world of toxic pollution, since we acknowledge that these environmental issues are all linked. We also adapt campaigns to the local context and situation. 
  4. Effective campaigns on issues that matter: The IDEAL framework (Investigate, Document, Expose, Act, Lobby) is the driving force behind our environmental campaigns.
  5. Mobilising the public: The collective power of individuals is our not-so-secret weapon in making companies and governments do the right thing for nature and the environment. We ask people to add their voices, support and funds to give our campaigns the biggest possible impact.
  6. Accountability: We are committed to the Accountable Now (formerly the INGO Accountability Charter) and its principles of Ethical Fundraising. We are accountable to our supporters, the public and regulatory bodies.
  7. Transparency: Each year we produce an Annual Report, including audited financial statements by independent auditors, to provide an overview of our work and financial management so that you can see how your generous donations have been spent, and what we have achieved as a result. 
  8. Quality: All of our fundraisers are well-trained and closely monitored when representing Greenpeace to recruit new donors and promote our environmental protection work. We have clear policies and fundraising principles. We continuously self-reflect, and aim to improve!
  9. Data privacy: We care about protecting your personal information. Our privacy policy ensures your personal data will only accessed by staff that need to perform specific tasks, such as sharing Greenpeace campaign information with you, inviting you to participate in activities and make donations, and to handle necessary procedures on donation processing.
  10. Having an engaged, involved, two-way relationship: Through supporter events, campaign talks, our supporter publication, e-newsletters, or calling you directly, we want to stay in touch with YOU!