Taipei – On Friday, June 30, TSMC released its 2022 sustainability report. According to the report, TSMC’s renewable energy use increased only 1.2 percent worldwide in 2022.

Response from Greenpeace East Asia campaigner Xueying Wu:

“TSMC’s lackluster progress on renewable energy development is concerning. TSMC’s renewable energy use increased just 1.2 percent in 2022, an uptick that was overshadowed by the company’s soaring electricity consumption. Despite a lot of rhetoric around sustainability, in absolute terms TSMC’s reliance on fossil fuels continues to grow.

According to TSMC’s sustainability report, the chipmaker’s overseas subsidiaries achieved net zero emissions and 100% renewable energy in 2022. However, in the report, TSMC did not disclose the portion of renewable energy that was purchased through high-impact sourcing methods, such as PPAs, self generation and direct investment in renewable energy capacity. It’s unclear to what extent TSMC has relied on RECs to increase its renewable energy ratio. RECs do not add new renewable energy capacity to the grid and are widely seen as one of the least impactful sourcing methods.

Three years have passed since TSMC committed to achieve 100% renewable energy by 2050, yet the company’s renewable energy usage has only increased 2.8% during that time. To be a true leader in the semiconductor industry, TSMC needs to take a more aggressive role in combating climate change.”

Media Contacts

Erin Newport, International Communications Officer, Greenpeace East Asia +886 958 026 791, [email protected]