Dear Foxconn staff and climate-concerned individuals,

We are asking for your help to persuade Foxconn, one of the planet’s biggest electronics manufacturers, to take action on climate change.

Foxconn is a major consumer of electricity. The company operates what has been called “the world’s largest iPhone factory” in Zhengzhou, China, as well as facilities around the world, including in India, Vietnam, Mexico and the US.

In 2023, Foxconn reported an annual revenue of approximately $190 billion USD. Apple, Microsoft and Amazon ranked among its biggest clients.

Yet Foxconn’s climate impact is worrisome.

In 2022, Foxconn’s emissions exceeded those of Iceland. The majority of Foxconn’s operations are still powered by polluting fossil fuels, including coal and gas.

But unlike Apple, Google, and Microsoft, Foxconn has not pledged to achieve 100 percent renewable energy worldwide.

It’s time for Foxconn to take action. We are calling on Foxconn to make a commitment to achieving 100 percent renewable energy across its global operations by 2030.

Here’s why we are asking Foxconn to act on climate now:

1) Our climate is in jeopardy.

Our planet is facing record-setting impacts of climate change. In the last year alone, we experienced deadly flooding in East Asia, wildfires from Greece to Oahu, and all-time high ocean temperatures around the globe.

Without significant action, global heating is on track to reach nearly 3 degrees Celcius by the end of this century.

Last December, 118 countries pledged to triple their renewable energy capacity by 2030. To contribute to this goal, Foxconn must rapidly increase its renewable energy use.

2) A timely transition to renewable energy is crucial for Foxconn’s competitiveness.

Foxconn’s biggest client, Apple, reached 100 percent renewable energy across its operations in 2018 and aims to achieve the same goal across its supply chain by 2030. This means that Foxconn and other suppliers to Apple must quickly ramp up their use of renewable energy.

Besides Apple, other consumer tech brands have also demanded that their suppliers increase use of renewable energy, putting pressure on the supply chain as a whole to focus on climate.

As sustainability performance becomes a new benchmark for big electronics brands, those suppliers that embrace renewable energy early will earn a competitive advantage.

3) Foxconn can feasibly achieve 100 percent renewable energy by 2030.

In 2022, more than 90 percent of Foxconn’s electricity consumption took place in East Asia, North America, and Europe. These regions are home to highly developed renewable energy markets, where corporations can increase their use of renewable energy by signing Power Purchase Agreements and investing directly in renewable energy, among other strategies.

As Foxconn expands into new geographies, it is essential that the company set ambitious energy transition targets and communicate its plans with relevant governments to secure renewable energy resources.

Consumer tech brands Apple and Google have already achieved 100 percent renewable energy worldwide. Now it is time for electronics giant Foxconn to take action.

Please join us in calling on Foxconn to embrace clean energy and share this letter.

Greenpeace East Asia

Share this letter and call on Foxconn to commit to 100% renewable energy worldwide by 2030.
#FoxconnGoRE2030  #SupplyChange.