By Yang Xinran

The 9th Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism and Architecture, based in Shenzhen, has given the Young Talent Award to a piece by new media artist Liu Jiayu, who co-created the piece in collaboration with Greenpeace East Asia’s Beijing office. 

“Another Side” used historical temperature and rainfall data for the city of Shenzhen over a ten year period and created visualizations for that data, evidencing the climate-induced trends in increased heatwaves and heavy rainfall.

Greenpeace’s Beijing office collaborated on this piece as part of a co-creation initiative that seeks new frameworks to approach the urgent issues of climate change and environmental degradation. This initiative focuses on breaking out of pre-defined silos that limit discussion of environmental issues. The results are more powerful than anything we could create by ourselves, and our research support enables creators to put climate change and its impact on people at the center of the conversation.

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