Greenpeace Hong Kong office invited actor and food expert Joey Leung to introduce two healthy vegetarian dishes on Mother’s day so we can express love to our mothers through cooking. Read on for more ideas on how we can cut down plastic when cooking and eating to protect our environment.

Joey Leung and Greenpeace campaigner created the yummilicious plastic-free, zero-waste Mother’s day meal. © Greenpeace / Patrick Cho

Eco Cooking Class with Joey Leung

May 3rd, a week before mother’s day, 100 Greenpeace supporters joined the online eco cooking class with Hong Kong actor and food expert Joey Leung. Joey and our campaigner shared their recipes online, discussing practising a meat-free and zero-waste lifestyle while making healthy plastic-free meals: baked eggplant & zucchini,  yam & chestnut pastry, pasta with avocado and cherry tomato.  

100 Greenpeace supporters joined the online cooking class on May 3rd, sharing their low-plastic lifestyle. © Greenpeace

To generate less waste in our daily life, we encourage everyone to practice zero-packaging shopping.  

Joey Leung reminds us to live a green lifestyle. “We are responsible for protecting our earth! Otherwise, our future generation is left with the problems we created.” “Buy your avocado at local fruit stores! Enjoy the small chats with the store owner and lower your plastic footprint. Plastic packaging does not always equal to sanitization. The most important thing is to wash your food before cooking.”

Joey Leung’s easy vegetarian dishes

Appetizer: Baked local eggplant

Sliced eggplant topped with vegetables, cheese, and tomato sauce. A dish delights kids and adults.  

Entrée: Yam & chestnut pastry, pasta with avocado and cherry tomato 

Pastry rolls filled with yam and chestnut. Pasta served with sauce cooked with onion, cherry tomato, and avocado. Healthy and tasty! 

A primary school student cooked a tasty low-plastic meal for her mom after attending this online cooking class. At such a young age, she has realized the importance of reducing the use of plastic. She doesn’t want to see more sea species caught up in plastic litter.

Your support helps build plastic-free communities!

As the corona pandemic is slowing down, Greenpeace is reinitiating it’s “Break Free from Plastic” campaign, aiming to invite more than 1,000 stores to join the league and speed up this plastic-free movement.  

Since 2016, Greenpeace has been launching campaigns to solve the plastic waste issue. Thanks to our supporters, we have successfully encouraged big retail stores to eliminate products containing microplastics; 600 restaurants and stores have joined our initiative. We have created the first plastic-free community in Hong Kong and urged local supermarkets to eliminate over packaging, resulting in ParknShop putting forward new plastic reduction policies as a response.