Become a Greenpeace volunteer and join us in the fight for a greener future

All of us living on this planet are facing severe danger from two extremely serious and interconnected problems: the biodiversity crisis and the climate crisis. The biodiversity crisis with the continuing decline of fungi, plants and animal species can affect human health, food shortages, erosion of soil and deterioration of forests. The climate crisis is already affecting us through extreme weather, melting ice sheets and rising water levels. The problems we are facing are enormous BUT together we are strong and CAN make a difference. Together we can protect our future. Join us today.

Why volunteer with Greenpeace? 

When we work together, we can change the world. We know this because volunteers have been changing the world with Greenpeace for over 50 years.

Today, Greenpeace is the world’s largest independent environmental organisation with volunteers, staff and activities in more than 55 countries. As a volunteer at Greenpeace, you become part of this global movement and community, meet new friends and experience new adventures together. Greenpeace offers a wide range of training and skill development opportunities for volunteers and activists. For those with adventure in their sights, we provide direct action, climbing, kayaking and boating training. For those wanting to spread awareness and engage others, social media, artivism, investigations, public speaking and lobby training are provided. 

Together, we form a community that presents solutions and wins campaigns. It would not be possible without our volunteers.

Who volunteers with Greenpeace?

Greenpeace’s community of volunteers is filled with people from all over the world of all ages and from different backgrounds. What they have in common is that they have chosen to become volunteers with Greenpeace and fight for our only home, our beautiful planet.

There is only one condition: Greenpeace volunteers must be at least 18 years old. 

Greenpeace is ready to help, where possible, with any practical or financial challenges that may prevent people from participating in our activities. More and more people are rising up! Join us, by becoming a Greenpeace volunteer today

Hear what our volunteers say about their involvement with Greenpeace:

Ways of volunteering

Within Greenpeace’s volunteer community we have different teams who work with specific areas to make an even greater impact. Everyone is welcome to join these teams; no previous background knowledge or expertise is required. The team members build skills and expertise together through activities, skillshares and training.  

The different volunteer teams are:


Artivism is using art for activism. Greenpeace’s volunteer artivism team uses art to expose polluters and draw attention to the big problems we are facing. The team reaches and engages people through beautiful art installations, interactive and exciting street stands or cool props for climate marches or protests.

Greenpeace Speakers

The Greenpeace speakers team creates awareness and engages people to take action through public speaking. Through offline and online talks and presentations, as well as tours about specific campaigns, the team inspires audiences to get active for nature and our climate. Read more about the Greenpeace Speakers here.


Greenpeace’s volunteer lobby team pressures local and regional politicians and decision-makers through letter writing, emails, telephone calls and social media. They make sure that Greenpeace’s campaigns and the solutions to the climate and biodiversity crisis are known to all relevant decision-makers.

Social media

The volunteer social media team creates engaging videos and posts to reach new audiences, spreads important messages and increases pressure on decision-makers. Together, they create content that makes people stop scrolling and take action. 


Volunteers in the investigations team work to undercover and expose climate and nature criminals. Using research in all forms, volunteers assist Greenpeace staff to gather evidence and point to the very best solutions for our planet.

RESIST Climate March in Copenhagen. © Will Rose

How do I become a volunteer?

Greenpeace volunteers are involved in many different types of activities: from research to organising demonstrations; from public speaking about Greenpeace campaigns to building beautiful ‘artivism’ installations or kayaking or climbing in a non-violent direct action. There are many opportunities to volunteer in a way and for the campaign you are most passionate about.

Our earth can’t wait. It’s time we take action.

Become a Greenpeace activist!   

Many of our volunteers are also activists. Activism is a personal decision, which many choose because they can’t bear to sit by as our earth gets warmer, weather more extreme and millions of species disappear before our eyes. It can be a big decision to become an activist, but with courage, we can take action together.

Greenpeace activists are divided into kayak, boating, climbing and general activist teams. The team members train together to maintain and develop their skills to fight nature destruction.

Read more about what Civil Disobedience is here

Greenpeace Community – learn about volunteering

Greenpeace Community is the primary communication channel for Greenpeace’s Nordic volunteers. On Greenpeace Community, volunteers can find information about upcoming events, trainings and other volunteer opportunities.

Annual Nordic volunteer reports

Read more about the achievements of our volunteers over the years in our annual reports.

Frequently asked questions about volunteering with Greenpeace

How old do I have to be to volunteer with Greenpeace?

You must be at least 18 years old to volunteer with Greenpeace

What are some examples of things volunteers do?

Greenpeace volunteers are involved in many different types of activities: from research to organising demonstrations; from public speaking about Greenpeace campaigns to building beautiful ‘artivism’ installations or kayaking or climbing in a non-violent direct action. There are many opportunities to volunteer in a way and for the campaign you are most passionate about.

What if I don’t know enough?

Volunteering with Greenpeace is for everyone. It doesn’t matter how ‘green’ or knowledgeable you are, the most important thing is the desire to get involved and make a difference.

Can I be based/live anywhere and still join?

Anyone living in Denmark can engage with Greenpeace as a volunteer.

How much time do I have to dedicate?

Volunteers decide themselves how much time they can dedicate. The only expectation is that volunteers fulfil the commitments they have agreed to.

Does it cost anything to be a volunteer with Greenpeace?

No, there’s no cost for volunteering with us. All training programs are free and Greenpeace covers all expenses for volunteers during training and activities, such as travel, food and accommodation.