Set-up an in-person meeting with your Federal MP!

« I just hope that more people will ignore the fatalism of the argument that we are beyond repair. We are not beyond repair. We are never beyond repair. » ~Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Let’s bring our shared vision for a Green New Deal to political leaders, and challenge them to adopt these visionary policies in their platforms. Parties are supposed to pay attention to their constituents. They want to know what’s important to you and it’s their job to listen. Make sure your MP knows that a Green New Deal for Canada is an issue you feel strongly about. Read all the steps below or download the PDF directly if you prefer.

STEP#1: Find Your MP

Check out the to find your federal Member of Parliament.
Once you’ve got their contact info, you can learn more about their roles and affiliations. The more you know about them, the better you can direct your concerns. Do your own research and dig deeper.



STEP #2: Arrange for an in-person meeting

Don’t be reluctant to request an in-person meeting. It’s a big step, but it’s effective and can have great impacts. Call their office, indicate that you are a constituent and that you are calling to request a meeting to discuss a Green New Deal for Canada. A staff person in your MP’s office may offer to meet with you if the other is not available. This will still allow you to express your concerns and pass along information to your MP. Take advantage of the opportunity.


STEP #3: Be Prepared!

Here are some tips and suggestions for your meeting. 




Source: Climate Action Network Canada, Lobbying Guide 2018



Greenpeace is a non-partisan organization that is not affiliated with any political party or candidate, or platform. Greenpeace’s push for a Green New Deal goes beyond the election period, however Greenpeace Canada is taking diligent steps to comply with Elections Canada requirements of reporting.