MPs invited to attend while in home ridings

May 16, 2019 (CANADA) – The first of more than 150 planned town halls to develop what a Green New Deal for Canada looks like is set to take place this Saturday, May 18th, in Edmonton, Alberta. In less than a week since the Pact for a Green New Deal launched, concerned individuals, community organizers and local groups have planned town halls in all major cities and in small towns from Port Alberni to Whitehorse to St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador.

Hosts include a Unitarian Pastor, leaders of the student strike movement, and seniors, all of whom responded to a call to convene conversations with their communities to help shape a successful vision for a made-in-Canada Green New Deal.

Many town halls are timed to coincide with the adjournment of the House of Commons, when MPs return to their ridings. MPs and election candidates have been invited to several of the events.

WHAT: Over 150 community-led Green New Deal Town Halls

WHEN: Beginning May 18th through early June

WHERE: Cities and towns across Canada

Full details of finalized events:

To be supportable by ‘The Pact,’ any plan for a Green New Deal would need to meet certain baselines, including full implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the creation of 1 million jobs through an economic package designed to meet Canada’s responsibility to cut emissions by roughly half in the next decade.

Full text of ‘The Pact’ and event listings can be found at


For more information:

Email: [email protected] to be put in touch with a local event organizer.

Vancouver event organizer: Nayeli Jimenez, Our Time, 778-874-4977

Edmonton event organizer: Gabrielle Gelderman, (778) 779-1560

Toronto event organizer: Dr. Leslie Solomonian, BSc, ND, 416-725-6679

Montreal event organizer: Emilie Forster, 438-725-0380

Ottawa event organizer: Salma Tihani, 613-263-3443.


About The Pact for a Green New Deal:

Who We Are, Media Resources, Full Text of The Pact