(MONTRÉAL) – In response to the NDP’s Waste Reduction Strategy announcement today calling for a ban of single-use plastics across Canada by 2022, a commitment for plastic packaging reduction targets, and strong, enforceable Extended Producer Responsibility legislation that holds companies accountable, Sarah King, Head of Greenpeace Canada’s Oceans & Plastics Campaign, said:

“The NDP has proposed the sort of bold action that is required to reduce plastic pollution at the source. This is a powerful statement with a clear vision that recognizes the danger of plastic pollution both to our environment and to our health and sets out real measures to eliminate single-use plastics at the source. Greenpeace and thousands of Canadians strongly support the NDP’s call to the federal government to ban various problematic and unnecessary single-use plastics by 2022.

In its announcement, the NDP acknowledges that recycling alone would never be enough to solve the plastic pollution crisis, and that Canada must move away from single-use plastics. Greenpeace is calling on Minister McKenna to incorporate these measures into Canada’s National Zero Plastic Waste Strategy and to listen to the growing movement of people across Canada who want urgent action to combat the massive plastic waste and pollution crisis in Canada and around the world.

“McKenna’s current waste reduction approach totally ignores the role that bans must play in tackling this global crisis. Plastics production is forecast to double over the next 20 years. The Liberal’s focus on increased recycling and continued use of plastic products fails to recognize that there is simply too much plastic that has been produced and that continues to be churned out. It’s time for the Liberal government to follow the leadership of other national governments, and now the NDP, and adopt a strong national plastic strategy that was promised to Canadians, before the next election campaign swamps us with new promises,” added King.


For more information, please contact:

Philippa Duchastel de Montrouge, Communications Officer, Greenpeace Canada, [email protected]; +1 (514) 929-8227