As part of the Rethinking Nature Protection art call, we have the pleasure and honour of showcasing the work of 5 artists in their vision of what decolonization and Nature protection truly means. Creator Deep Mukherjee shares his work and vision in this representation of environmental injustice.

Root to Fulfillment

“I dream of a world which is not driven by materialism, greed, hatred or bias. But a world where people find fulfillment, peace and happiness in loving and respecting every form of life on earth . A world where humans, being a part of nature, helps the planet to flourish naturally, equally, sustaining the biodiversity.”

–Deep Mukherjee, creator

About the artist

Although my day job is that of a service professional, my real passion has always been to paint. I love our planet, and I am deeply concerned by the steady decline of our ecological imbalance and destruction. And my artwork has become the medium for expression of my angst, my beliefs and my opinions. They also reflect my view on injustice, inequality and my hopes for change. 

I have been producing artwork for over five years now. My portfolio reflects the inspiration I draw from Mother Earth. I have recently started using my skill to contribute to the cause of action towards climate change. I had the honor and privilege of producing artwork for flyers and social media campaigns for organizations such as the Sierra Club and Toronto 360. 

Last year I participated in the #Because campaign organized by Greenpeace. I produced one drawing every day for 30 consecutive days. My subjects were  the endangered species of Amazon Rainforest who are at the brink of extinction because of rapid deforestation under the presidency of Bolsonaro. This project helped me raise over CAD 630, with support coming from across the globe. 

I come from India, and have lived and worked in the USA and currently in Canada. At present, I reside in Toronto with my wife, our two cats and the foster animals we host through the year. While my day job pays the bills, my true calling lies in the art. And I hope to continue to use it to bring awareness, start conversations and ultimately facilitate the much needed change we need to move to battle climate change. I do not believe in supporting the cause with just donations, and wish to continue to contribute my time, energies and my skill.

© 2022 Greenpeace Canada & Deep Mukherjee. All rights reserved.