What a year for the Photo Contest! This tradition always reminds us of the dedication our supporters have when it comes to capturing the mission of Greenpeace in one sole image. The creativity, the beauty and the skill never ceases to amaze. 

In all honesty, I was a little nervous about what the participation would look like this year as COVID persisted. There is not as much opportunity or freedom for folks to travel and take pictures as they had in years past. But as I was sitting in my Toronto studio apartment dwelling over this possibility, that’s when this year’s theme came to me. What better way to make the best of an ongoing global hardship than capture the diversity of ‘Home’. As always, our participants did not disappoint, with over 900 submissions entered this year and 6500 votes. You folks made finding a Top 5 very hard, but I hope you enjoy these photos as much as we did.

Now without further ado, I’m happy to announce the winners of Greenpeace’s 2021 Photo Contest:

  1. Anemonefish in a bubble-tip anemone, Tulamben, Bali, Indonesia by: Bryan Chu
  2. A Thynnid Wasp, Norval, Ontario, Canada by: Evan Van Zeumeren
  3. A pair of Atlantic puffins greeting during sunset, Runde, Norway by: Oscar Ostvold
  4. Two curious spotted screech owls. Mixed forest, Quebec by: Sylvain Tousignant
  5. People’s Choice Award: SUNBITTERN, SANCTUARY, UNITED STATES by Zoya Hussain

These five photos will be featured in the upcoming Spring/Summer 2022 issue of the Greenpeace Magazine. I can’t wait to see these awesome shots grace our pages. 

Thanks again to all who participated. Now I want to hear from you — what’s your favourite shot? What should the theme for next year’s contest be? Comment below!

See you next year!
