Does this look familiar? 

According to a recent report by Oceana, Amazon produced an estimated 211 million kg of plastic packaging waste in 2019, contributing to a plastic crisis that is already out of control.

The corporation is greenwashing its way out of its environmental responsibilities by investing millions of dollars in recycling initiatives — when most recycling facilities in North America do not accept the types of plastics it uses.

Today, let’s make some noise: here are four actions to tell Amazon that they need to kick their plastic addiction.

1. Sign the petition

Over 21,600 people have already added their name, asking the online retail giant to invest in plastic reduction and reusable packaging solutions. Will you join them? 

2. Flood Amazon on social media

On Twitter

Here are 3 sample tweets that you can send, or write your own!

. ? The 20th century called, they want their overpackaging back. 211 million kg of plastic waste in 2019: you must invest in & solutions
Hey we see your . Stop spending millions on when most of your plastics are not accepted in most North American recycling facilities. Invest in !
. 87% of users in Canada, U.S. & UK want your company to offer packaging and other measures to reduce plastic. It’s time you listen: invest in .

On Facebook and Instagram

It’s simple: go on Amazon’s Facebook page or Instagram account, and comment on their latest post. 

Hey @AmazonCanada, when you ship billions of over-packaged goods every year, it’s the environment that suffers. Your company generated an estimated 211 million kg of plastic waste in 2019: it’s time you invest in plastic reduction & reusable packaging solutions @greenpeacecanada #AmazonZeroPlastic
Hey @AmazonCanada, we see your greenwashing. Why are you still spending millions on recycling initiatives, when most of your plastics are not accepted in most North American recycling facilities? It’s time you stop investing in false solutions, and invest in plastic reduction and reusable packaging solutions. @greenpeacecanada #AmazonZeroPlastic
Hey @AmazonCanada, when surveyed, 87% of #AmazonPrime users in Canada, the U.S. & the UK want your company to offer plastic free packaging and other measures to reduce plastic. Will you listen to your customers? Stop investing in false solutions like recycling. Put your money in plastic reduction and reusable packaging solutions! @greenpeacecanada #AmazonZeroPlastic

You can also download these images and add them to your comment:

3. Call Amazon customer service (1 (877) 586-3230)

Here are some lines that you can use to help you during the call: 

  • A report by Oceana found that Amazon generated an estimated 211 million kg of plastic waste in 2019 alone. 
  • In the same year, it’s estimated that Amazon delivered a ‘vanload’ full of plastic waste every 70 minutes to the world’s major rivers, lakes and oceans.
  • Amazon is investing millions in recycling initiatives, but this is pure greenwashing: most North American recycling facilities do not accept the plastics used by the company. 
  • Amazon’s customers want plastic-free options, but the company isn’t listening. When surveyed, 87% of Amazon Prime customers in Canada, the U.S. and the UK said they want more plastic free initiatives and other measures for the company to reduce plastic waste. 
  • Amazon, it’s time you do your share to truly tackle the plastic crisis. Invest in plastic reduction and reusable packaging solutions NOW!

4. Share this page

We’ve got one day to show Amazon that they need to kick their plastic addiction. Let’s make sure they hear us loud and clear!

Share this link with your friends and family:

Thank you for everything you do!