You can make a difference to the future of our planet.

Every day, more and more people are taking action—they march, sign, share, consume less, and want to do more. We need as many people as possible to join this movement. Fundraising for Greenpeace is one of the best ways to play a starring role.

Greenpeace’s new #Because campaign is an easy but powerful way for you to make a difference — by engaging friends, family and colleagues in your own personal fundraiser for the planet.

Because you’re sad. Because you’re mad.

Because it rains too much, or too little.

Because carbon kills, forests burn and plastics never die.

Because too many people still say, don’t worry.

Because we love this place.

Your #Because fundraiser will help Greenpeace Canada expose environmental destruction, hold companies and governments to account and work toward a sustainable future.

By challenging yourself, donating your day, getting moving or doing what you love, you can now inspire friends and family to donate to your fundraiser help raise urgently-needed money for Greenpeace’s campaigns to protect the oceans, save ancient forests, and act on the climate crisis.

Why fundraise for Greenpeace?

Greenpeace doesn’t accept a cent of corporate or government donations. To stay 100% independent, we rely on donations from individuals like you to carry out our vital work. 

All funds raised will support Greenpeace Canada’s work in the key areas of –

  • Challenging fossil fuel producers and supporting renewable energy solutions.
  • Protecting nature in all its biodiversity.
  • Changing habits of unsustainable consumption and production.

Every #Because fundraiser will have an impact because Greenpeace targets the root causes of environmental threats. Everything we do is thanks to the generous support of people like you. 

How to start your Greenpeace fundraiser 

Challenge Yourself

Challenge Yourself and challenge friends and family to support you. Go 30 days without plastic, walk to work for a week, dress like a polar bear, or take on any other creative or meaningful challenge.

Donate Your Day

Donate Your Day by asking everyone to skip the birthday, anniversary or wedding presents and donate to your fundraiser instead.

Do What You Love

Do What You Love and raise money doing it – hold a virtual dance party, livestream your gaming, knit scarves, or do whatever else you love.

Get Moving

Get Moving by asking everyone to support your run, roll, swim, skate, hike, climb, bike ride or other adventure.

Visit to start your #Because fundraiser today.

Because together, we can make a difference.

Save the Arctic Ice Ride in Toronto. © Brett Gundlock

Fundraising for Greenpeace is an incredibly powerful way to make a difference and take action for the planet.

Take action