Fundraising for Greenpeace is a great way to help protect our planet and have fun doing it. 

Greenpeace doesn’t accept a cent of corporate or government donations, so we rely on donations from individuals like you to carry out our vital work. By challenging yourself, donating your day, getting moving or doing what you love, you can inspire friends and family to donate to your fundraiser help raise urgently-needed money for Greenpeace’s campaigns to protect the oceans, save ancient forests, and act on the climate crisis.

But where to begin? Coming up with an idea for your fundraiser is probably one of the most challenging steps in getting started! So to help make life easier, we’ve come up with 50+ ideas for how to fundraise for the planet. We think we’ve covered it all, from dressing as a polar bear to a 30-day ab challenge, but if you have any other ideas please leave them in the comments so we can add them to the list. 

Bonus: All of these ideas we’ve come up with allow for social distancing to prevent the spread of COVID-19, so you and your community can stay safe, healthy and close to home while raising funds for Greenpeace!

Challenge Yourself

  • #ZeroWasteChallenge: Go zero-waste for a month 
  • Try to cut out food waste from your kitchen for one month 
  • Go vegan or eat plant-based for a month
  • Cook vegan for one week or one month and share the recipes with your non-veggie friends to taste
  • Take only cold showers for 30 days
  • Dress as a polar bear (or any animal!) for all your Zoom meetings
  • Use an embarrassing Zoom background for a month
  • Give up something you love, like wine, coffee or dessert
  • Quit Netflix, Spotify or any streaming service for a month
  • #FastFashionChallenge: Buy only second-hand clothing for a year
  • #TrashTagChallenge: Do a 24 hour trash clean-up with a team of friends, family or colleagues — or pick up a piece of trash for every donation given or every dollar raised 
  • Sew and donate one upcycled facemask for every donation given
  • Cook one meal and give to a community in need for every donation given or amount raised
  • Walk, roll or bike instead of driving for a month
  • Give up UBER, Lyft or taxis for a month
  • #NoMowChallenge: Don’t mow your lawn this summer
  • #NoShaveChallenge: Grow out any kind of hair on your body! (but make sure to follow health guidelines for facial hair when wearing face masks)
  • Shave your head or cut your own hair
  • #SeedPlantingChallenge: Sow wildflower or bee-friendly seeds in an urban area for every donation given or amount raised
  • Reduce the CO2 impact of your food: buy local, organic and choose short-circuit food for a month

Got another idea for ways to challenge yourself? Leave it in the comments so we can add it to the list!

Do What You Love

Host a virtual event and ask people to donate to make it happen, or to donate when they attend. Here are some ideas for virtual events you could host:

  • Host a virtual concert 
  • Host a virtual comedy night
  • Host a virtual dance party
  • Host a virtual quiz night
  • Host a virtual yoga class
  • Host a virtual teach-in on a topic of your choice 
  • Promise to post a karaoke performance for every donation given or amount raised 

Live streaming is also a great way to get donations and build momentum towards reaching your goal. A few ideas of ways to livestream on Facebook, Twitch or Instagram:

  • Livestream your gaming
  • Livestream a poetry reading
  • Livestream your baking or cooking 
  • Livestream your morning beauty routine 
  • Livestream your online activism for a green and just recovery 

Do something you love and turn it into a fundraiser: ask for donations for every book you read, every page you write, every painting you create, every puzzle you complete, every mask you sew, or every scarf you knit!

Got another idea for ways to fundraise by doing what you love? Leave it in the comments so we can add it to the list!

Get Moving

We recognize that everyone’s physical abilities are different. Getting moving is just one of many ways to fundraise. Please choose a fundraising option that works for you and your body.

  • Do a 5k walk or roll in your local neighbourhood
  • Walk or roll 5km in your backyard or balcony
  • Do a daily walk or roll around your local park for 30 days 
  • Do a 5k, 10k, or 25k run or roll in your local neighbourhood
  • Do a jumping jack challenge
  • Bike 10k every day for 30 days
  • Do a 30-day ab challenge
  • Do a 100 push-up challenge
  • Skate a distance of your choice
  • Do 30 days of yoga or pilates
  • Run a marathon in your backyard or local park

Got another idea for ways to get moving? Leave it in the comments so we can add it to the list!

Donate Your Day

  • Ask for donations instead of gifts for your birthday
  • Ask for donations instead of gifts for your bridal shower
  • Ask for donations instead of gifts for your wedding
  • Ask for donations instead of gifts for your graduation
  • Ask for donations instead of gifts for your retirement
  • Ask for donations instead of gifts for your anniversary
  • Ask for donations instead of gifts for your baby shower

Got another idea for ways to donate your day? Leave it in the comments so we can add it to the list!

Still stuck for ideas?

You don’t need an excuse! You can always fundraise for Greenpeace, just #because.

Save the Arctic Ice Ride in Toronto. © Brett Gundlock

Fundraising for Greenpeace is an incredibly powerful way to make a difference and take action for the planet.

Take action