One or two days worth of dumpster diving in San Diego, California. Picture: Rob Greenfield
 © Rob Greenfield

Here’s a fact that many of us might have trouble believing: before the pandemic, 1 in 8 households was already facing food insecurity in Canada. With the COVID-19 crisis, this number is on the rise. According to a recent survey from Statistics Canada, 1 in 7 households are now food insecure.

Here’s another disturbing number: while millions of Canadians are struggling to put food on the table, Canada is amongst the biggest food wasters on the planet. A staggering 58% of food produced in the country every year is lost or wasted. That would be enough to feed every Canadian for almost 5 months. While food charity is not a long-term solution to tackle poverty and  food insecurity, it can provide some immediate relief in these trying times. 

But food waste does not only impact people. It also takes a heavy toll on the environment. When organic matter biodegrades, it emits methane, a greenhouse gas roughly 30 times more potent than carbon dioxide. In Canada, it contributes every year to 56.5 M tonnes of CO2 equivalent emissions

And while a green and just recovery is on everyone’s lips, huge supermarket chains like Loblaw, Sobeys and Metro are still throwing away tons of good, edible food every single day. 

It’s all around bad for the planet, the people, and the climate. They must commit to zero edible food waste. Here are 3 actions to make it happen.  

One day’s worth of bread found in a Panera in Frederick, Maryland. Picture: Rob Greenfield

1. Ask your friends and family to tell supermarkets to commit to zero food waste 

Many of us buy some or all of our groceries at supermarkets. Let’s show them that their customers want change! The more people email Loblaw, Sobeys and Metro, the more pressure they will feel to change their habits. 

You can also share this link:

(and if you haven’t emailed supermarkets yourself, do it now!)

2. Start an online conversation with Loblaw, Sobeys and Metro on Social Media

They value their “green” commitments. Let’s show them this means going beyond words and requires action!

On Twitter

Tweet tagging the supermarkets. You can use the sample messages below, or write your own! Don’t forget to tag @GreenpeaceCA.

Hey , while you’re throwing away tons of good, edible food every day, 1 in 7 Canadian households are struggling to put food on the table. Help us tackle . Commit to a target >>
Hey 58% of all food produced in Canada is lost or wasted. That could feed every Canadian for almost 5 months. Do your part to tackle : stop throwing tons of edible food every day and commit to a target:
Hey , in Canada, food waste contributes to 56.5 M tonnes of CO2 equivalent emissions every year. Do your part to tackle the : stop throwing tons of edible food every day and commit to a target >>

On Facebook and Instagram

Comment on the supermarkets’ latest post. You can use the sample messages below or write your own! Don’t forget to tag @greenpeacecanada on Facebook, and @greenpeace_canada on Instagram.

Here are the Facebook pages of Loblaw, Sobeys and Metro.
Here are the Instagram accounts of Loblaw, Sobeys and Metro.

Hey @LoblawsON, 58% of all food produced in Canada is lost or wasted every year. That could feed every Canadian for almost 5 months! And while more and more Canadians are struggling to put food on the table with the COVID-19, you keep on throwing away tons of edible food every day. You must do your part to tackle #FoodInsecurity. Please commit to a #ZeroFoodWaste target: @greenpeacecanada @greenpeace_canada
Hey @Sobeys, when you throw away tons of edible food every day, you directly fuel climate change. In Canada, food waste contributes to 56.5 M tonnes of CO2 equivalent emissions every year. We’re in a climate emergency: do your part to tackle this crisis! Please commit to a #ZeroFoodWaste target. @greenpeacecanada @greenpeace_canada
Hey @Metromonepicier, before the pandemic started, 1 in 8 Canadian households was facing food insecurity. This number rose to 1 in 7 with the COVID-19, according to a recent report by Statistics Canada. And yet, every day, you throw away tons of good, edible food to the trash. You must do your part to tackle food insecurity. Please commit to a #ZeroFoodWaste target: @greenpeacecanada @greenpeace_canada

3. Deliver a letter to your local supermarket manager

Hand in your letter at your local store, to let them know you want action! You can use the sample letter here or create your own. Don’t forget to be cautious of social distancing norms to stay safe.

Thank you for everything that you do!