
We’re experiencing a moment unlike any that a person living today has ever witnessed. Like many of you, I’ve been gripped by anxiety and sometimes outright fear, worrying about the safety of my friends, family, and colleagues. And I’ve watched in disbelief as people in China, Iran, Italy, the US, and beyond have fallen victim to this new virus.

Close-up of the coronavirus

With the rapid spread of COVID-19, we’re seeing radical changes being taken on a global scale. People are closing businesses. They’re closing schools. They’re stopping travel. They’re taking safety measures at work or staying home. They’re turning their lives upside down to protect others. It is absolutely amazing to see people from every level of government and every walk of life working together to restrain this virus. 

At the same time, I know that the global halt we’re witnessing means that many workers and families are facing hardship and uncertainty, and my heart goes out to all of you who are struggling right now — either because they can’t work, or because they have no choice but to work, even with the risks. The challenge that lies ahead is for governments to step in and support those most in need, and to make choices that protect people while they address the fundamental shifts happening in our economy. In the coming weeks and months, Greenpeace will support actions pressing our governments to support and protect people affected by this crisis. 

Still, there’s something about the scale of the response that gives me hope, because we know that we will need everyone to fight climate change. And right now we are seeing that unprecedented mobilization on a global scale is possible. That people are able and willing to undertake challenging and fundamental shifts head on and help each other, when they are moved to do so.

We’re also seeing a beautiful outpouring of kindness and generosity. Neighbours helping neighbours, strangers helping the most vulnerable in our communities. The emergence of “CareMongering,” an online movement started just days ago right here in Canada, where people offer help to those who need it during this crisis. It is exactly this kind of caring connection that will bring us through the crisis unfolding today, and through these next challenging years of climate emergency.

Here at Greenpeace, we feel a great sense of responsibility to do our part, and to take whatever measures we can to protect the public and our staff and help slow the spread of COVID-19. We have closed all our offices, and our staff are working from home. We’ve suspended all travel and in-person gatherings and events. This isn’t easy in a workplace where staff thrive by being on the frontlines, where action and mass organizing are at the heart of what we do. But we feel it’s essential that we take seriously the advice of public health authorities, practice social distancing, and stay at home as much as we possibly can. Right now, staying home is an act of solidarity for vulnerable communities, and for frontline workers. 

Still, we have no time to waste, so our work continues. Our team is already adapting to the moment and pressing forward in our efforts to protect the planet and respond to the climate crisis. We’re working with student leaders, for example, to transform the massive Climate Strike planned for April 3rd into a powerful online event. It’s a chance to innovate and be creative, and I can’t wait to see how we rise to the challenge.

In recent weeks, the level of communication and cooperation between Greenpeace colleagues around the world has grown tremendously too. We always talk and work together. But in these last weeks, the outpouring of warmth and compassion for colleagues in places harder hit has been incredible, as has the sharing of ideas and insights about how we can continue to be successful in challenging times. This week Greenpeace staff in Beijing sent to Greenpeace staff in Italy, offering advice, support, and hope. The staff responded with photos and grazies. The love in the Greenpeace family is real, and it extends to you too, as supporters. 

Rest assured that with your participation, Greenpeace’s critical work will continue unabated. We’ll need you with us, probably more than ever. Act with us to protect the planet by visiting our website, reading our email updates, and following us on social media, whether it’s Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. In the coming days and weeks, we’ll be bringing you more ways to make a difference while you stay close to home. 

You are driving the impact and the change we seek to make in the world, so please take care of yourself and your family. Let’s all be kind to those around us. 

Be well, and thanks for all you do.