18 caribou in 2016, only 7 left in early 2020. As we face an unprecedented decline in global biodiversity, the Val-d’Or caribou herd is fighting for its survival.

Woodland Caribou in Canada. © Jean-Simon Bégin
Woodland Caribou in Canada. ©Jean-Simon Bégin © Jean-Simon Bégin

But the responsibility also lies with the government of Quebec, which has been dragging its feet for years on this topic. The Minister of Forests, Wildlife and Parks Pierre Dufour is trying to buy time with false solutions, even though local stakeholders, such as the Lac Simon First Nation and Action Boréale, have proposed measures to protect the herd. 

This problem is not new… Boreal caribou populations have declined by 30% in the last 20 years. This is mainly due to the mining and forestry industries, whose unsustainable activities are destroying the habitat of this threatened species. 

The caribou is not only an iconic species in Canada, it is also a barometer that reflects the health of the forest. And given the current state of its population, we have every right to be concerned about the boreal forest… which, let’s not forget, has a major role to play in the fight against climate change.

Aerial shot of logging in Montagnes Blanches, Quebec. ©Markus Mauthe / Greenpeace

In the current climate emergency, we need the government, and especially the Ministry of Forests, Wildlife and Parks, to show courage and integrity in order to save the caribou, and the forest that it calls home.

You can publicly call out the Ministry’s inaction in three easy steps!

  1. Call the Ministry of Forests, Wildlife and Parks (1-844-523-6738)

Ask them to implement strong measures to protect the caribou and its habitat. 

Here are some talking points: 

  • If the Legault government is serious about fighting the climate crisis, it must protect the boreal forest with courage and ambition, not leave it in the greedy hands of industry.
  • Putting caribou in pens, as suggested by the Ministry of Forests, Wildlife and Parks, is only a short-term solution and will not solve the long-term problem. 
  • To protect the caribou, we must restore its habitat and to keep it out of reach of all industrial activities over a sufficiently large area. 
  • Quebec has never implemented a strong plan to protect the caribou, as required in 2012 by the federal government under the Species at Risk Act. When will such a plan be put in place?
  1. Leave a comment on the Ministry’s Facebook page

On social media, the Ministry of Forests, Wildlife and Parks celebrates the life that abounds in Quebec’s forests. But the reality is quite different, and we must publicly call out this hypocrisy.

Visit the Ministry’s Facebook page and leave a comment on its latest posts.

Here are a few examples of comments you can leave: 

  • Boreal caribou populations have declined by 30% in 20 years. But the government continues to propose false solutions like pens, instead of implementing a strong protection plan for this endangered species. Protecting the caribou is urgent. What are your medium and long-term plans to save them?  
  • Quebec has never implemented a strong protection plan for the caribou, as required by the federal government in 2012 under the Species at Risk Act. However, local stakeholders such as the Lac Simon First Nation and the organization Action Boréale have proposed ambitious measures to save them. When will you put in place a strong plan to protect this iconic species? 
  • There are only seven caribou left in the Val-d’Or herd. Protecting them means protecting the boreal forest, an essential ally in the fight against climate change. When will you implement a strong plan to protect this iconic species? We need you to show leadership on the climate crisis! 

  1. Send a tweet to the ministry

You can tweet one of the messages below, or create your own. Don’t forget to identify the ministry @MFFP_Quebec, as well as Minister Pierre Dufour @PDufourOfficiel. 

.MFFP_Quebec @PDufourOfficiel, protecting the #caribou means protecting the boreal forest, an essential ally against climate change. When will you implement an ambitious plan to protect this species? Stop false solutions like pens! @greenpeaceCA #Valdor 

.@MFFP_Quebec @PDufourOfficial, out with short term solutions to protect the #caribou! When will you take ambitious measures such as those proposed by local stakeholders? Action Boréale has sent you a plan that you have never acknowledged receipt of. @greenpeaceCA #Valdor

Only 7 #caribou left in #Valdor. This species has been declining for decades and still no strong protection measures have been taken. @MFFP_Quebec @PDufourOfficial you have an obligation to do so under the Species at Risk Act. When will you comply with the law? @greenpeaceCA

We can’t let the government hide behind false measures… thank you for taking action to protect the caribou!