We want to see your gorgeous forest photographs. Please submit them to the 2018 Greenpeace Canada photo contest for a chance to be featured in the 2019 Greenpeace Canada small calendar. Enter here:

This calendar is mailed to supporters as a token of gratitude for supporting our environmental work throughout the year.

We’re looking for the best images you can send us of beautiful trees, forest landscapes and the animals and plants that inhabit forests.  You have until May 27, 2018 to share your photos and be considered for the calendar! It’s also a great opportunity

You can enter up to three (3) images and past submissions have included photos of landscapes and wild animals found in Canadian forests and forests around the world, but we especially value Canadian content.

For more details, competition rules and to enter, go to our Facebook page here: http://act.gp/2sSMCnH. In addition to submitting photo entries, this year people once again have an option to vote or “like” their favorite photo submissions and crown the People’s Choice award for best photo.

Not a professional photographer? Don’t worry. Our selection committee will review the photos independent of who took them and in the past we’ve selected images from amateur photographers across Canada and even smartphone photos (if they are hi-res).

Winners of the competition will receive a Greenpeace mug or t-shirt, 10 copies of the calendar and a note of recognition and appreciation for their efforts.

Thanks so much for showing your commitment to saving our planet by participating in this contest. None of Greenpeace’s work could be done without amazing supporters like you, and we really appreciate you!

Enjoy the contest and may the best picture win!