September is only the beginning. On October 5th, exactly one week following the massive global climate strike and two days before the first leaders’ debate, Greenpeace will be using art for social change to keep the momentum going for climate action. The first action of its kind: we will be collaborating with indigenous artists and local volunteers to create huge street art murals in Montreal and Vancouver. 

We need your help to amplify the message around our mural project in Vancouver to show political leaders that this mobilization is not just a flash in the pan. 

Here’s what you can do to take part in one of our most beautiful actions!

Greenpeace Canada is training and engaging volunteers on new forms of activism.

1. Share the event on social media

You’ll find below ready-to-share content to push on your favourite social network. Feel free to edit them as you wish! You can start sharing on September 28th, once the global climate strike has passed.

  • On Facebook

You can share this post or this post.

  • On Twitter

You can share this tweet or this tweet.

Don’t forget to add a visual to your post!

  • On Instagram

Share your favourite post among the two below.

Post 1

I found the best remedy to cure eco-anxiety: TAKING ACTION! 

This month, mobilization against climate inaction is reaching new heights. Let’s keep up the momentum: on October 5th, join @greenpeace_Canada and Indigenous artists @dropletfromthesalishsea and @brandongabrielart to paint their vision of the climate fight in front of the Westridge marine terminal – terminus of the TransMountain pipeline. 

More info and registration link in bio! 

#ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #Climate #Art #GreenNewDeal #ArtForChange #Artivism

OR Post 2

The elections are coming fast and the four upcoming years will be crucial in deciding what our future looks like. In September, we expect millions of people to march across the world to protest against climate inaction. 

Let’s keep up the momentum: on October 5th, join @Greenpeace.Canada and Indigenous artists @dropletfromthesalishsea and @brandongabrielart to paint their vision of the climate fight in front of the Westridge marine terminal – terminus of the TransMountain pipeline. 

More info and registration link in bio! 

#ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #Climate #Art #GreenNewDeal #ArtForChange #Artivism

Don’t forget to add a visual to your post!

And a link for the bio: 


2. Paint the mural with us!

How about joining the artists and our team for a fun and engaged activity? Let’s do it all together! 

If you’re interested in painting the mural with us, please contact Jamuna Iyengar at [email protected] 


You’re all set! 

We want to say thank you once again for you generous support and engagement to address climate change. If you’ve got questions, get in touch! We are here for you and ALWAYS happy to help. 😃