These groups, many of which were instrumental in the movement against Energy East in the province of Quebec over several years until the project was cancelled last fall, believe that the current crisis surrounding the Kinder Morgan question is of concern to everyone in Canada. They warn the Trudeau government not to turn the Kinder Morgan pipeline into its political legacy. Earlier this year, an Angus Reid poll had revealed that opposition to Kinder Morgan’s Trans Mountain pipeline was especially strong in Quebec. The letter signatories recall the popular mobilization against Energy East in the province and invoke the promises made by the Trudeau government on climate change, the environment and the rights of Indigenous people.

Among the 40 signatories, which are groups working on environmental issues, water protection, climate change, labour unions, human rights and Indigenous solidarity groups: Alternatives, Association québécoise de lutte contre la pollution atmosphérique (AQLPA), la Coalition Vigilance Oléoducs (CoVO), Conseil régional FTQ Montréal métropolitain, Eau Secours, Équiterre, la Fondation Coule pas chez nous, la Fondation Rivières, Greenpeace Canada, Nature Québec, Projet de la réalité climatique Canada, Regroupement vigilance hydrocarbures Québec (RVHQ), le Syndicat de la fonction publique et parapublique du Québec (SFPQ), The letter is publicly available in English here:

And in French here:


The following representatives are available for interviews:

Aurore Fauret,
[email protected], 514 770-4950

Camille Gagné-Raynauld, Équiterre
[email protected], 514 605-2000

Loujain Kurdi, Greenpeace
[email protected], 514 577-6657