Canada’s boreal forest is one of the last large expanses of undisturbed natural forest in the world. For years, Greenpeace has been speaking up and raising awareness about the controversial and unsustainable forestry practices used by Resolute Forest Products, one of the largest logging companies in North America, in critical areas of this magnificent forest.

Unfortunately, instead of working collaboratively with Greenpeace and other stakeholders to find lasting solutions for the forest, workers and local communities, Resolute filed a $100 million Canadian dollar (CAD) lawsuit against Greenpeace USA, Greenpeace International, and individual activists, as well as a separate $7 million (CAD) lawsuit against Greenpeace Canada and individual activists. With these lawsuits, Resolute is attempting to silence legitimate public concerns.

Some of the largest global book publishers, companies for whom free speech is critical, are among Resolute’s customers, thus supporting the very company that is actively threatening a right which is fundamental to their own existence and essential to us all. This campaign to protect the Boreal forest has now become a battleground over free speech and the right to advocacy.

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The parties to Resolute Forest Products, Inc. et al. v. Greenpeace International et al. and Resolute Forest Products, Inc. et al. v. Greenpeace Canada et al. have announced the conclusion of these long-running litigations. <Please see the joint statement>