Vancouver — As hundreds of CEOs and senior managers of some of the world’s leading brands gather inside the Vancouver Convention Centre, Greenpeace climbers have scaled the building and are staging a peaceful protest calling out the companies’ role in destroying forests and contributing to the climate crisis.

The senior company representatives are gathered for the opening plenary of the Consumer Goods Forum (CGF) Global Summit. In 2010, CGF members committed to end deforestation by 2020 through “responsible sourcing” of cattle, palm oil, soya and other commodities.

Yet a Greenpeace International report released yesterday shows that a total of at least 50 million hectares of forest (an area the size of Spain) is set to be destroyed for commodities by the 2020 deadline. Roughly 80 per cent of global deforestation is a direct result of agricultural production, releasing climate emissions equivalent to Japan, Germany and the UK combined. No single company Greenpeace contacted could demonstrate meaningful effort to end links to deforestation.

Greenpeace spokespeople are available for interviews on location. A press release and photos will follow.


WHO: Greenpeace activists

WHAT: In protest of companies’ deforestation and climate inaction, activists have raised a banner and scaled the Vancouver Convention Centre at Consumer Goods Forum (CGF) Global Summit, a gathering of thousands of CEOs and senior managers of leading global brands


WHERE: West building, east entrance of the Vancouver Convention Centre East, 999 Canada Pl, Vancouver



Reykia Fick, Global Communications Lead – Forests, Greenpeace Canada, Ottawa, +1-819-918-0470, [email protected]