In response to the elections of Jason Kenney, Mike Hudema, Greenpeace Canada’s Climate and Energy Campaigner, said:

“Common courtesy might suggest that we give Jason Kenney the benefit of the doubt, but there is nothing common about his shameless attacks on environmentalists, reticence to uncategorically condemn Islamophobia, sexism, and homophobia and archaic desire to rollback protections for LGBTQ kids and others. Kenney’s political strategy has been to sow division for personal political gain. It’s now up to Albertans, and all Canadians, to come together and resist. That means rallying behind the communities who will be marginalized under a governing party that has harboured members tied to white supremacists and whose energy plans will create an unsafe future for all of us.

It should also be deeply disturbing to anyone concerned with preserving democratic freedoms and protecting our communities from floods, fires and other climate-fueled extreme weather that Alberta’s new government appears to be threatening legal action and setting up a ‘war room’ against people for pointing out the simple truth that the burning of fossil fuels is destabilizing our climate and that science demands we rapidly transition to new forms of energy production.

We encourage all those who don’t support this agenda to stand together, to protect each other and to keep fighting for a future we all need to see.”


For more information, please contact:

Loujain Kurdi, Communications officer, Greenpeace Canada

[email protected]; +1 514 577-6657